As much as I’d have liked it to be some kind of active or skill based game, it was either going to be webfishing or revolution idle.
I recently picked up secrets of grindea, but after having binged it for a few days, I’m grinded out. I need to earn so much gold if I want to collect all the things and it feels like my combat power has hit a wall. There are a few non-grind things I could tackle, but I’ll just wait a bit and let burnout go away.
I dumped 8k hours into it once it came west within a year and a half but have since stopped. The NGS changeover was so poorly handled that it really hurt my enjoyment of the game significantly.
I think I have 5k hours in and the development style finally got to me in a bad way. I can go into detail if needed, but I don’t feel I need to to anyone with enough time in the game.
I bought them ages ago and let me tell you, crazy taxi without the offspring is just not the same. Borrowing the original versions for free from the internet is the only way to go.
I also dabbled in the monster hunter wilds beta. It was what I expected and I’ll be happy to play the full version when it’s released. I think I bonked every monster available, both large and small. I tried out the weapons I’m likely to use.
Gunlance felt ok, light bow gun was interesting but more complicated than I expected. Bow was mostly the same but with some friendly additions. Switch axe ended up being my favorite of the beta. That thing just hits so quickly and wounds to easily that I don’t know if they oops’d the damage on it, or if I was just getting lucky. There were times when I’d break and make wounds in such a way that the monster would be basically stunned for a decently long period of time. If I had been partied up it would have been much too efficient. The other thing about it is the mobility of certain slashes. It took a bit getting used to, but it covers a lot of ground for a heavy blade.
After all that, I discovered the capture net would give both the insects and their essences, so I ran around hunting for endemic life and found a lot of little critters I otherwise would have missed. There’s a hornet that was endemic but could also poison you!
And I spent some time fishing. They really changed it up in this one. You need to reel in the line slowly to actually entice the fish to bite. I wasn’t completely comfortable with it at the end of the beta, but it also feels like they’re going to work on it a bit more.
As for other stuff I played. I continue my usual dedication to a few missions a week in helldivers 2. It’s a very fun game made by some very dedicated folks, and I’m down to blast some things every now and then. I finally got my nerve up to continue playing satisfactory. I usually stop right around coal power because it’s at that point that you can really automate the world… It’s just the amount of math and just waiting on materials to build so you can finally get exponential with your growth. I’m still very much in that stage currently. I need to upscale everything but I’m waiting for materials and to make sure my power situation is handled before I go nuts.
It was the sheer quantity of dlc stuff along with the second one having potential performance issues that kept me way and away from it for now. I’ll check back in at a 50-90% off sale.
I fell off from the game for a number of reasons back when deimos was released. I went back to it to catch up on quests and a lot of original gripes of why I left in the first place were still firmly in place.