Prediction: Starfield is going to a massive blunder and people are going to be unhappy ( angielski
I will come back to this post in September to see if I was right lol...

I will come back to this post in September to see if I was right lol...
Yes this is outside the scope of “Adventure” and “Point-and-Click” games, not really sure if the Narrative genre would be something different from visual novel....
Getting started...
Just a PSA that I2P exists if you want to try out anonymous torrenting. Head over to I2P for questions on how to set it up....
Just planes is a company that makes videos/dvd’s of Airplanes. I want to pirate just planes cause I want to watch some of their older content, However you need to buy dvd’s. And I do not own a dvd player. A few of their content is available in short snippets on YouTube. But I would like to see the full video. Thank
A fellow mod informed me that about it as I was laying in bed. Reddit sent a message to the mod team and after 1 hour demoded me. I didn’t even had time to see it, never-mind respond to it....
We're getting towards the mid-point of the year, and (unless I've missed it) I can't seem to find a thread for discussing what our favourite games of the year have been....
There are at least five apps that I know of currently in development for iOS. Unfortunately neither Memmy nor Mlem able to connect to kbin at the moment, something to do with the kbin-specific API from what @ernest, @BrooklynMan, and @gkd have said. Kmoon is specifically being developed for kbin and is multi-platform for iOS and...
null> link...
Incredible growth. just goes to show how little we needed to be in Reddit....
I am looking to save all the music I like on hardisks due to the recent closure of rarbg which was a wake up call “unless you save it you don’t own it”. So if anyone knows a way to download playlists instead of each single song I will be thankful!
I think you should see something....
Nie oszukujmy się - ostatnio widać jak nigdy wcześniej łakomstwo wielkich social mediów na nasze dane i pieniądze. Akcje z Twitterem i Redditem są tylko przykładami, gdzie coś zadziało się po prostu nie do końca po myśli właścicieli. Decentralizacja to genialna odpowiedź na ten problem, tylko niestety nie jest...
The original /r/piracy was purposefully gimped because Reddit received DMCAs for any random thing and didn’t even bother to follow up. Since we’re in new waters, I want things to be a bit more relaxed, but there’s a limit on how relaxed we can be, without starting to get lawsuits, which I will not be able to fight off. I...
Hi guys, I apologise if this seems obvious but I can’t work it out. How do I defederate an instance I don’t want to see posts from in my feed, if the server is still permitted on my instance? I don’t want to block all federation, just from specific servers....
Recently purchased a Retroid Pocket 3+ and have the chance to play all the games I didn’t grow up with. Which ones are a must?
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One of the things that have always endeared me to adventure games above all other types of fiction (books, movies, etc.) is that they give the player the opportunity to shape the story and unfold it at their own pace. While some games are content to have a linear story (and no slight against that — some absolute classics have...
Co odpowiadacie na pytanie o wasze zarobki? Czym kierujecie się decydując o tym czy w ogóle podzielicie się tą informacją?...
Pojawiło się sporo wątpliwości do tego, co tak naprawdę ma na celu ustawa. W sieci nie brakuje też komentarzy, które sugerują, że działania podejmowane przez rząd mogą w istotny sposób godzić w prywatność i wolność użytkowników sieci - również tych dorosłych. Pojawiły się również pytania o to, kto...