"However, sky watching veteran and reentry tracker, Jonathan McDowell who works at the Harvard–Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, told Inside Outer Space that there is "no obvious space candidate. I am not convinced it's not from an airplane. Don’t see obvious evidence of reentry heating.""
Der nächste Teil der Online-Serie zu Jobs, in denen sich Menschen neuen Herausforderungen unserer Zeit stellen: der Manager für Weltraumschrott.
Hier bei @techreview_de lest ihr das Kurz-Portrait über Stijn Lemmens von der @esa . Er arbeitet daran, die weitere Vermüllung der Erdumlaufbahn zu bekämpfen.
The next part of the online series on jobs in which people face new challenges of our time: the manager for space debris.The next part of the online series on jobs in which people face new challenges of our time: the manager for space debris.
Here at @techreview_de you can read the short portrait of Stijn Lemmens from @esa. He is working to combat further pollution of Earth’s orbit.
Today’s #SpacetoberChallenge is #Telescope! EUCLID’S HORSE is a #watercolor based on the first color image taken of the Horsehead Nebula by the ESA Euclid Telescope.
NASA and Boeing engineers are troubleshooting various faults in the Starliner spacecraft. But with only 45 days of docking time available, the window for return is closing.
Astronauts stranded in space due to multiple issues with Boeing's Starliner — and the window for a return flight is closing (www.livescience.com)
NASA and Boeing engineers are troubleshooting various faults in the Starliner spacecraft. But with only 45 days of docking time available, the window for return is closing.