#GoodMorning#Gravel! Lost nearly 2kg of body weight in yesterday’s heat, so it was time to double down and push towards the rising sun…😂🥰 Had a stressful day yesterday. #Cycling helps!🥰
#GoodMorning! Had to drop the car to the garage just outside #Poznan to install towing bar. No other means to get back home but #gravel#cycling along #Warta#river. Damn, those bridges are getting more and more sketchy…😂🫣
#GoodMorning#Bicycle! Went back to the #forest to find the tree I’ve heard falling yesterday. Found nothing on my route, luckily. Warm and humid ride, you can sweat without moving…😅🥰
#GoodMorning#Gravel! Today I took a different route - along #Warta#river to #Puszczykowo. It’s more sandy and rooty that I’ve remembered, but still fun and plenty of beautiful nature!🤩
#GoodAfternoon#Gravel! I’ve decided to take a chance and started my ride in 36°C. It was a bad call…🤡 Luckily, there’s plenty of #forest nearby and I had 2 water bottles, just in case, because the sun was a scorching little bugger!
An evening #cycling#adventure at #DziewiczaGora on #gravel#bicycle! I did 2 climbs and the first one was very rooty and technical, particularly hard with only 1 hand on the bars…😂🤷🏻♂️🙈 The second one was just bumpy…🤷🏻♂️
#GoodMorning#Gravel! Since the school is over, my morning routine goes back to the old ways! Get up early, ride into the #forest…🥰 #KidsOnBikes have their break, but they will come back!🥰