ssamulczyk, do rowery angielski
!deleted197 avatar

After a brief return of Winter, we are back with ! It was still frosty at -5°C, but hot tea and a good company made it feasible!😂🥰

@cycling @rower


cowboyminer, avatar

@ssamulczyk @cycling @rower

You brave soul!

ssamulczyk, do rowery angielski
!deleted197 avatar
michaelbrien, avatar

@ssamulczyk @cycling @rower Nice! PoE2 is pretty fun!


@!deleted197 OMGosh isn't it too cold for that?

ssamulczyk, do rowery angielski
!deleted197 avatar
!deleted197 avatar

@mlabowicz I carry it in a frame bag. You put that in a bottle cage it’s going to get scratched like mad shit…🤷🏻‍♂️

I carry it because it keeps beverage hot for very long, not because it’s for cycling.

Keep in mind only screw on solid lids keep it hot and water tight. Drinkable lids will leak.

@cycling @rower

mlabowicz, avatar

@ssamulczyk @cycling @rower good tips, looks I need to add a frame bag to my setup. It would be good to have some more storage for longer rides

ssamulczyk, do rowery angielski
!deleted197 avatar

Long overdue footage. I was so knackered after cycling in -2°C, I’ve been recovering for 2 days. Fortunately, I feel a little better now!

@cycling @rower


vfranken, avatar

@ssamulczyk @cycling @rower how long was your ride? It is still pleasent weather for long bike rides here in the Netherlands with 9°C at daytime.

!deleted197 avatar

@vfranken I’ve been out with a friend for at least 3 hours… But we sometimes do breaks to chat and drink some tea…🙈 @cycling @rower

ssamulczyk, do rowery angielski
!deleted197 avatar

It was unbelievably cold today. 5°C felt like winter and I regretted I didn’t wear the winter jacket… I also started looking for some heated gloves, because I have no idea how I’m gonna survive the real winter…🤡

@cycling @rower


paavi, avatar

@ssamulczyk @cycling @rower I could recommend "lobster" or "split mitt" style country skiing mittens/gloves. Better than gloves because your adjacent fingers warm each other but your middle and index fingers aren't tied to each other. Maybe get a size larger than normal and you can wear thin merino wool gloves underneath if it's really cold. YMMV but heated gloves never ever seemed worth it even at -15°C.
This is what I mean

ssamulczyk, do rowery
!deleted197 avatar

goes on despite my toe taking the colour of a a ripe plum. I already regret this in the morning, but also I’m getting ready for a 6am ride as we speak, so I will regret it even more…

@rower @cycling


cowboyminer, avatar
ssamulczyk, do rowery angielski
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cowboyminer, avatar
ssamulczyk, do rowery angielski
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dowitcher, avatar

@ssamulczyk @cycling @rower 0/10 you did not fall

ssamulczyk, do rowery angielski
!deleted197 avatar
HyL, avatar

@ssamulczyk @cycling @rower 😁
Just your average winterbiking Canadian here... We had a high of 11C yesterday. But it could snow again this week.. In fact, we kind; f hope it does. Wildfire season has already started 😟

!deleted197 avatar

@HyL And now we have a bit of hail and some very shy snowflakes…😂 @cycling @rower

ssamulczyk, do rowery angielski
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MOyster, avatar

@ssamulczyk @cycling @rower awesome!! You are on the way to 500k!

!deleted197 avatar

@MOyster Thanks! Actually, 110km more (over those 500) and I’m over 14000km on a this year, so there’s extra motivation!😁@cycling @rower

ssamulczyk, do rowery angielski
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luccamerel, avatar

@ssamulczyk How is you little girl doing?

!deleted197 avatar

@luccamerel Thanks for asking! She’s doing great! Keeping her head straight, turning over and trying to crawl, making sounds and trying to mimick our lips movements! She’s also growing fast and getting heavier every day!🥰 And she’s only 3 months old!😱😁

ssamulczyk, do rowery angielski
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miyelsh, avatar

@ssamulczyk @cycling @rower riding in the dark is such a pleasure

ssamulczyk, do rowery angielski
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f800gecko, avatar

@ssamulczyk @cycling @rower

I put plastic bags over my toes when the weather turns. I really should look into something like those...

!deleted197 avatar

@f800gecko Until now I’ve been using cheap neoprene shoe covers. Those shoes are now discounted from €250 to €160, so never better time to get ones… Hoping they will keep my feet warm in winter as well… Proper test will come soon as weather in is gonna turn into shit in next few days…🤷🏻‍♂️🥸 @cycling @rower

ssamulczyk, (edited ) do rowery angielski
!deleted197 avatar

It’s done and dusted! 8000km this year minimum target has been achieved, everything else is just a bonus now!😁 @cycling @rower

onetwotony, avatar

@cycling @rower @ssamulczyk chapeau! 8kkm in 8 months, 12 for the year?

!deleted197 avatar

@onetwotony Last year it was 13km, but this year with the newborn it will be difficult… 🤷🏻‍♂️ @cycling @rower

ssamulczyk, do rowery angielski
!deleted197 avatar

First ride on my new ! To bad it’s dark. But hey, it’s !😂 GX + AXS. That cassette is ridiculously huge! The shifting performance is astonishing, my old GRX comparatively is a piece of shit…😂 @cycling @rower


adamshutes, avatar

@ssamulczyk I have it on the 2x road bike. Wonderful.

!deleted197 avatar

@adamshutes It’s difficult for me to imagine getting used to the front mech shifting with AXS… I will consider it if I’m gonna get a new road bike.🤷🏻‍♂️

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