New World Train Electrification in Colour angielski

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Just for fun, a thought experiment, how much theoretically does it cost to build a commuter rail service? I’ve lived in a city that has thousands of cars commute to a close by city every day, about 30 miles away. It kills me that there is not an obvious commuter line between them....
Soda locomotives saw very limited use, and though I’ve found some awesome photos and descriptions thanks to the research of enthusiasts online, I haven’t really found anything describing what exactly the process of draining the probably-boiling-hot caustic slop from the locomotive and refilling it with water and fresh...
About halfway between Tokyo and Nagano....
Photoshop filter not included...
Siddy Holloway is doing a special I’d really like to watch, but it’s only on BBC2 from what I see. Will it be on a streaming service or anything?
From comment on anime series Shuumatsu Train Doko E Iku - Where is the Last Train Going?...
:) Another angle of the locomotive.