Are Taiwan's Roads Still a "Living Hell"? (

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Hey fedi-bikers!...
njb latest video
Yet more hate towards cycling, and somehow if a floating bus stop is located between two care lanes its perfectly acceptable.
according to literally hundreds of people who have contacted me about this over the years.
Nebula version previously posted here.
Nebula link since the video is released first on Nebula. YouTube link will be posted once it’s available.
A study indicates that 11.2% of trips in the French capital are made on two wheels, compared to 4.3% in four-wheel vehicles
As pointed out in this post, this community has only one mod listed (@reusable_rocket), and they haven’t interacted with Lemmy for 6 months....
tl;dw they made some sensible cost cutting measures to create a nice tram system cheaply in a small city.
More and more people are using this form of travel to get around the continent, using high-speed routes and a network of night trains that continues to expand. We traveled from Madrid to Prague and witnessed how the future of European transportation is clean and fast
YouTube upload of a vid that I shared a while ago when it was only on Nebula.
Nebula link for now as it’s a Nebula First vid.