if you want a tabletop experience similar to that, find a Living Card Game (LCG) that speaks to you. Generally they’re designed like tcgs but you buy an entire box at a time and play that as its own contained experience, those tend to be great. Other options are finding discord servers for playing something like Magic/Pokemon over Cockatrice or Untap.in or some other virtual tabletop, that way you can get the play experience of a tcg without needing to engage with its economy at all
Lastly, I know you can probably google “games like slay the spire” and find Monster Train or Across the Obelisk and be pretty satisfied with those but in a broader sense, look into roguelike games. The gameplay loop of roguelikes i’ve found scratches a similar “buildcraft” itch to something like an MtG draft, and while they arent card games I get a lot of the same fun of finding and exploring synergies from games like The Binding of Isaac, Hades, Wizard of Legend, or Risk of Rain 2