I’m more excited about season 2 than I am happy with the first season. I liked Sweet Tooth’s story and the characters in general except for John Doe. Both his character and Anthony Mackie’s performance were really lackluster in my opinion, and it felt like Anthony was really forcing the humor the whole time.
Stephanie Beatriz killed it, as expected. I thought her backstory was really interesting and appropriately ridiculous for the setting.
I’m hoping season 2 leans into more of the car combat and the ridiculousness of the setting.
I honestly had no expectations going into it, and I was pleasantly surprised. The story was coherent, albeit kind of shallow, but it was a fun journey into this twisted metal world. The characters were likeable enough that I wanted to keep watching to see them develop, and it just hit a bunch of the things I wanted to see out of the series. Lots of Easter eggs if you know what you’re looking for. I really couldn’t ask for a better show about a game I barely played back in the day. Honestly I think the shallow story of the games really lended itself to the writers being able to take it in any direction they wanted.
I f’n loved it, Anthony Mackie was a fantastic lead, and Will Arnet and Samoa Joe were funny AF as Sweet Tooth, can’t wait for next season, when things really start happening.
Twisted Metal 2 was the one where the series made its biggest hit on the PS1. 3 and 4 weren’t made by singletrac, and while they were good games they didn’t have the same style as the original two. The later games were after the industry had kind of moved on from that kind of game.
It’s like Megaman – there were a zillion Megaman games, but the ones that were biggest in the Zeitgeist were Megaman 2 and Megaman X.
I had really low expectations for this show, but after watching it, I was pleasantly surprised at how good it was. Yeah, sure they changed up everything and the “story”, but their adaptation was an entertaining and fun ride.
(Side note: I thought the plant lady was going to be Grasshopper haha)
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