@skulblaka@startrek.website avatar



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@skulblaka@startrek.website avatar

I actually liked Hunters :c

@skulblaka@startrek.website avatar

With Primehack you can play the OG prime series (I think the Wii U version?) on PC with a controller for dual joystick control like a modern FPS, or even m+k. It also runs well on steam deck, I have it on mine. It’s very excellent, highly recommend.

@skulblaka@startrek.website avatar

I think this is all fair criticism. I played this game when I was 12, after all, and did mostly play the multiplayer after a single run through of the story.

Also important to note that I hadn’t actually played the mainline Prime games yet at that time, that probably had a lot to do with it.

@skulblaka@startrek.website avatar

This is the sort of use case that VR can be a great fit for if someone put the money into creating it. Roblox isn’t the medium for this.

Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree - PREVIEW THREAD angielski

Previews for the Elden Ring DLC have just been released! Lots of journalists and popular Souls players have been to an event where they played the DLC for a few hours, giving us way more info on what to expect and things such as new weapon types and upgrade materials. This isn’t a comprehensive list, just the few that I found...

@skulblaka@startrek.website avatar

I had a look at VaatiVidya’s video on this (many spoilers, you are warned) and while this all looks incredibly awesome, all I can think about seeing some of the new weapons are how these things are going to be an absolute menace in PvP. Specifically the >!beast claws.!<

Good thing I’m already trash at PvP and am used to losing, because it looks like we’re getting like 8 new variations on what made Rivers of Blood a meta pick. I’m not really that upset about it, PvP isn’t my main draw to elden ring and I am going to have a ton of fun with these new weapons in single player, so I consider it a net positive, but even so, yeesh.

@skulblaka@startrek.website avatar

Fuck yeah, good for Mike. That sort of thing still works sometimes, but you have to be really, really good at what you do. But getting a good portfolio in the right hands at the right time is really all it takes.

@skulblaka@startrek.website avatar

It’s the golden age of indie games. I’ve got dozens of games on my steam library made by a team of between 1 and 12 people that I bought for $20 or less. Those guys are doing great, and doing great work. I rarely ever even give a second glance to big AAA releases anymore, with a couple specific exceptions.

@skulblaka@startrek.website avatar

Hell yeah I would.

If you enjoy roguelikes, I got you in spades.

  • Slay the Spire is currently $8 USD on sale and is one of my most played games of all time. Deck building roguelike.
  • Caves of Qud is the single greatest modern classic roguelike that I’ve ever played and is also in my top 5 of most played games of all time. $20 USD. If you understand what the string of words “modern classic roguelike” means and that intrigues you then you’re in for a treat and a half.
  • Dead Cells speaks for itself on its store page and is technically out of price range for this at $25 when not on sale, but it’s worth the extra five bucks. It’s also worth the additional $25 for all the DLCs, after you’ve sunk 200 hours into the base game already.
  • Cult of the Lamb - ditto above about the price tag, you actually largely can’t go wrong with most things published by Devolver Digital. I own a significant percentage of their lineup and haven’t been disappointed. Devolver isn’t the dev company, but they take a lot of indie teams for publishing and I like them a lot. They’re good folks that sell good games.
  • Risk of Rain 2 - is also $25 but worth the squeeze. I’ll try to keep everything else in the price range.
  • Rift Wizard - $14.99, and the very similar but slightly superior Rift Wizard 2 at $17.99 are fun little strategy-heavy games about playing what amounts to wizard chess. The store page videos will describe this game better than I’m able to. It’s actually quite a good little game for people that enjoy games that require you to become ludicrously overpowered to survive.
  • Balatro - $14.99, the significant buzz around this game is entirely warranted, cursed poker will consume the next four months of your life. You have been warned.
  • Path of Achra - $9.99 A self described “broken build sandbox” that is, and very much looks like, a game made by one dude in his spare time. Don’t let the art fool you, I love it to pieces. Another game for people that enjoy games that require you to get super overpowered to survive.
  • Tiny Rogues - $9.99 I only recently got into this one. Great game, great replay value, check out videos to see if it’s for you.

Outside of the roguelike genre there are also a couple good ones that I’ll name, though I do admit this list will probably be shorter:

  • Siralim Ultimate - $19.99 is one of the grindiest monster collector games I’ve ever played but if you enjoy grinding that sort of game, you can build teams that would dunk your competitive Uber Pokémon team into the shadow realm. It has a ridiculous number of creatures with a ridiculous number of absurd abilities and you’ll find yourself farming this game on and off for like six years. Or I did anyway, I’ve been following the evolution of the game since Siralim 2 in 2016. You can also play any of them on your phone, which I actually find to be the superior experience for the most part because it’s a good game to play in 10-minute bursts over long periods of time. If you’re going to get any of them go straight to Ultimate, don’t bother with the others, it’s the same game significantly evolved over time.
  • Exanima - $14.99 Top down physics based melee combat RPG. Check the store page videos and youtube to figure out if this interests you. It very much did interest me, and after several years of dev silence the game is now being actively updated again, which is very exciting.
  • Ultrakill - $25 currently (I know, I know, I said I wouldn’t do this anymore…) Buy it on sale if you’re a fan of fast paced FPS games, say new Doom for example. Don’t read, just buy. Trust me on this one. I wouldn’t steer you wrong, I promise.
  • Hollow Knight - $14.99 The greatest metroidvania of our age and spawned more knockoffs than the genre namesakes did. Pls give silksong.
  • Sunless Sea - $18.99 This is a very slow and very story driven game about being a sailor in hell. Familiarity with the general setting of Fallen London is very beneficial but is not required. This game is slow. But if you can vibe with it, it will deliver one of the most deeply touching RPG stories I’ve ever had the pleasure of experiencing. This game is truly a treasure that won’t be appreciated by most people. But even so I would be doing you a disservice if I didn’t at least mention it for you to look at.

I have to stop myself here because I could go on about this all night and still not be done. Gaming is my main hobby and indie games are the main games I play. Name me a genre you enjoy and I’ll scroll around for recommendations if none of the above catch your eye.

@skulblaka@startrek.website avatar

After reviewing this list I have neglected to mention Shadows of Forbidden Gods, a Civ like where you play as Cthulhu, and more importantly I forgot to talk about Deep Rock Galactic and will be hurling myself into lava as penance at my nearest convenience.

@skulblaka@startrek.website avatar

Noita is so, so, so much more than it seems from the reviews and trailers. Trust me. If the core gameplay looks cool to you, pick it up, and then know that once you’ve “beaten” the game the first time (took me 40 hours to do) you’ve experienced approximately 5% of the total game content. Noita is an Easter egg wrapped inside four secrets wrapped in an enigma. One of my favorite games ever made.

@skulblaka@startrek.website avatar

I remember playing Midnight Club 3 when I was a kid and learning about KidRobot from their in world billboards. It fits really well in a racing game.

@skulblaka@startrek.website avatar

I think it was profitable, at one point, up until the bait and switch that was Overwatch 2.

@skulblaka@startrek.website avatar

I really wanted to like the OG steam controller but the touchpad-joystick-analogue makes it basically impossible to play any of the games I’d want a controller for. It’s a great controller for using on things that aren’t really intended for controller. Want to play an FPS leaning back in your chair? It’s great for that. Want to play Hades? I’m gonna pass and plug in my dualshock instead.

I actually revisited it recently and gave it a second shot after getting used to the steam deck pads, but unfortunately it’s still not really doing it for me personally.

@skulblaka@startrek.website avatar

I remember trying to play Earthbound when I was younger. The story is fascinating, I really want to love the game, but the actual gameplay didn’t really grab me. I remember getting to the first major town area and getting my ass beat by the gangsters or whoever that you need to fight there. Never made it past that point.

Any tips, if I wanted to pick it up again? Is this a game that expects you to grind? I found the early game to be really difficult, and I’m not usually one to be turned off by that but I really felt like I was hitting a brick wall and I think I must have missed something fundamental.

@skulblaka@startrek.website avatar

More stuff is coming / is already out. It’s actually a really well done implementation of a live service game which I never thought I’d say about anything. That does mean it has a shelf life though and the live service won’t last forever, which is a bummer. I’m curious what they’ll do with it once they’re finished actively managing the war story. Maybe hand it over to an AI in 2-3 years.

@skulblaka@startrek.website avatar

Not sure. I do know new creatures are planned and coming, and player vehicles are planned. I haven’t played in a couple weeks though so I’m not sure what all is out and what’s still cooking.

@skulblaka@startrek.website avatar

I truly don’t understand how people are playing games like Fortnite or Genshin on a phone and enjoying themselves. That’s probably the single worst possible interface to play the game on, that’s like showing up to a counterstrike tournament with a racing wheel. I can’t even play Minecraft on my phone without getting extremely quickly frustrated and Minecraft doesn’t give half a shit about your reaction time or accuracy most of the time. If you want me to play an FPS on a touch screen I’m just gonna take the L and save myself the trouble, it’s not happening.

@skulblaka@startrek.website avatar

Dark Arisen just gave you most of the MTX content for free. When you start the game and pull an Eternal Ferrystone out of your bank along with all the starter armor that sells for 500k gold - yeah, that was all MTX gear.

@skulblaka@startrek.website avatar

I’ve been buying skateboard sims trying to chase the high I got from Skate 3 but none of the more modern ones are able to replicate the sheer fun of it somehow. I no longer own a ps3 and Skate3 runs like shit on an emulator so my options seem limited.

@skulblaka@startrek.website avatar

Re: The MUD situation, I know from personal experience that Iron Realms has still been cranking out a few of them in the last few years. I was a big fan of Starmourn but that one just got demoted to Legacy recently, I guess because of lack of players. Shame because it was really neat and polished. But they’ve got a triumvirate of Lusternia, Achaea (my personal favorite) and Aetolia as active MUD worlds.

They’ve also got an Android client called Nexus that you can download from their website. www.ironrealms.com/the-nexus-client/

Now granted Iron Realms is a whole ass company, not just some nerd hosting a game off his basement server rack strictly out of love for the game, and open source self-hosting enthusiasts may not be super jazzed about that. But as far as I can tell they’re about as harmless as a company can be and do seem to still be in business more as a labor of love than anything else. At least as far as I’ve ever been able to find out. They mostly exist on donations so far as I know, I’ve never had to buy anything from them or been served an ad. And I do really, really like their Nexus client, the interface is really slick and it adds a lot of features and conveniences that I found lacking in other older MUD clients (though, granted, the only non-Iron Realms MUD I ever put any significant amount of time into was Aardwolf and I think I had to use a third party client for that).

All that said, MUD is a dying genre and any influx of new users would help revitalize many of these worlds. If it sounds interesting to you don’t hesitate to go check it out. Veteran users have always been universally helpful in my experience, unless they have an actual lore appropriate reason to be hostile to you - then, watch out! Although even most of those guys won’t stomp on a brand new noob without warning. Players who enjoy social roleplay will find themselves at home in a MUD. Players who enjoy social roleplay and have, or gain, a little bit of scripting knowledge will find themselves especially at home in a MUD. Give one a shot, they’re free and fun and it’ll raise your typing speed a lot.

skulblaka, (edited )
@skulblaka@startrek.website avatar

Hey I made some fan art of a marvel character, should marvel pay me?

When they use that fan art in the next official marvel movie, yes absolutely they should.

@skulblaka@startrek.website avatar

There’s far too much sequential quest nesting that blocks you out of content for no reason.

The reason is for replayability and having a fresh experience each time. You get blocked out of content because there are about 60 unique paths you can take through the game with different content for each.

Not to mention the bugs

The few I experienced personally were fixed within a couple months of release. I haven’t seen a bug of any sort, actually, since January.

Save scumming shouldn’t be a part of normal gameplay

Then… Don’t do that. Save scumming also isn’t a part of tabletop gameplay. You fail a roll or fuck up your plan, you deal with the outcome. Saves are only for emergencies if some bug does come up.

You’re allowed to not enjoy the game, and that’s fine, it’s not for everyone. But your reasons why are poor reasons.

@skulblaka@startrek.website avatar

We’ve already seen the boomest shooter. Our savior hath already come and gone and left us behind to witness his passing. His name was Ultrakill.

@skulblaka@startrek.website avatar

There’s been a big revival of that genre over the last 10 years or so and I think Boomer Shooter was adopted as a way to differentiate it from your standard FPS. Turbo Overkill is very different from Borderlands which is very different from COD. You’ll need a way to communicate that difference if you want fans to buy your game.

@skulblaka@startrek.website avatar

Nioh can be best described as “dark souls gameplay with Borderlands itemization” which I personally love. It’s not for everyone. But the folks it is for will love it. You know who you are.

@skulblaka@startrek.website avatar

This is the most absolutely buck wild and inefficient version of this idea I’ve ever seen, ever. Director AI’s have existed over a decade, and have already been used to solve problems exactly like these. If I was Joel and was woken up at 2am to go drop a couple more bugs on Leedle III I’d tell my entire management team to eat shit and do it themselves. What the fuck. Who came up with this? This is half baked as hell

@skulblaka@startrek.website avatar

Balatro. It’s good. I love making cursed poker hands with aces that count as every suit and granite blocks and then racking my score multiplier up to 86x with stacked jokers. It’s a fun game.

@skulblaka@startrek.website avatar

How’s Helldivers been? I was a big fan of the first game but I’m having trouble justifying the full price purchase with a lot of the reviews talking about crashes. I’ll still probably end up buying it though.

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