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Rockstar has done nothing but actual in-game footage for trailers since like GTA3. So, yeah, that shit is fucking insane. Doesn’t even look like a PS5 could run it.


They must have magicians working for them or something. I guess that’s the advantage of using a completely tailor made engine created with unlimited funding, rather than using Unreal or something.


Nah, that’s too far. You’re talking like 2028 there for the next gen consoles. PC probably gonna come 6-12 months later, like almost always.


Nah, the press release says it’s releasing on the S


Just the trailer itself includes two direct parodies of real Florida people (the tatted guy on TV and the woman with two hammers)


IIRC GTA V had basically no issues at launch. RDR2 had some crashing issues, but otherwise it’s like one of the best optimized and most scalable PC ports I’ve ever seen.


Fair enough. I did play PC at launch but that was like almost 9 years ago so I don’t really remember much


Tbh, I expect the singleplayer to be a massive improvement over V, which lacked a lot of the small things that really make a GTA game for me. We’ve already seen some pretty cool stuff in the leaks, like a more limited weapon inventory returning (looks to be somewhere between the old GTA style pre-V and RDR2) and most excitingly for me: fishing. But seriously, I think, depending on what you disliked/found underwhelming about V, VI might end up improving in those areas.


Those were your go-tos for gameplay expectations for sneaking around as a pretty weak little goblin man? I would’ve gone for Styx instead, a game about sneaking around as a little goblin man. (Which I think actually belongs to the same publisher)


I only played one for maybe like 2 hours, but they seem like pretty good games, you could probably pick one up for cheap on sale.

Also when I think of Soulslike Gollum, all I see in my mind is this gormless little creature wielding a 6 foot axe or something and that just makes me laugh.

Anyway, yeah, Nacon/Daedelic had several studios that had more experience making stealth-action games. I mean, besides the guys that made Styx, they also have the Shadow Tactics guys. Isometric tactical stealth could’ve been another option.

It’s honestly like they just made the absolute wrong decision for all things during development.


Remember RPG Maker 2003, when you could just open any game made with it in the editor and change shit, give yourself god items etc.? That was dope.


Wait, why would they use Unreal? Seems way easier to port them to newer versions of Creation to me.


They do have ladders in Starfield, actually


Yup. People will always bring up some games like Witcher 3 as “better than Skyrim” and in terms of the roleplay elements within the story? Sure. Do the games have some similarities? Sure. They’re both open world RPGs in a medieval fantasy setting. But beyond that, the comparisons fall apart. Somebody just looking for any RPG experience might well prefer Witcher 3 over Skyrim, but somebody looking for another Skyrim experience is not gonna find it in Witcher 3. Same goes for comparisons for NMS and Starfield. Does NMS have seamless planetary flight and Starfield doesn’t? Absolutely. Can you scan plants and wildlife in both? Sure. But, again, beyond that the comparisons fall apart.


Same. It’s cool for maybe 5 times before you just stop caring. Only thing I miss is actually flying around the planet, and that’s purely for finding the best basebuilding spot.


Power Armor in FO4 is actually classed as furniture in the engine, IIRC


There have been a couple of mods for Fallout 4 and New Vegas to add vehicles. IIRC the only one that wasn’t just an object floating across the ground was in that big expansion mod made by sex perverts, I forget what it’s called. New something?


Well, they do hire a ton of modders


They’ll probably have Creation Club stuff, like in Skyrim and FO4, where they contract modders to create small pieces of content.


Also, IIRC, NMS doesn’t have different gravities, right? Been a year or two since I properly played, but I don’t remember ever really jumping higher or being forced to the ground. That’s one of the sacrifices for seamless landing.


They hired multiple from the very impressive Fallout London project, and also hired Elianora to help out with the interiors and lighting in Starfield

So, yes.


He’s talking about the Creation Kit, the proper mod tools to make more complicated stuff like quest mods


That is not how that works.


I legit spent hours in the ship builder in Starfield, trying to come up with a new design for my ship


Starfield has made me very disappointed with the planet designs in NMS, unfortunately. Like, a lot of it boils down to “This planet has purple dirt, but this other planet over here has blue dirt and is cold!” and they’re always one biome only. In Starfield, one planet can have several different biomes realistically spread out (like snow/ice region on the polar caps, etc.), and it also has a bigger pool of structures to pull from. I last played No Man’s Sky a year or so ago, and it always felt like there were only a handful of structures that could generate on a planet.


I mean, they straight up said that 90% of planets will be empty.

As far as spreading out the handcrafted content goes, in my 60 hours it’s been pretty good, but I also deliberately stick primarily to actual quests, only dipping into random exploration and proc-gen mission board quests like bounties and cargo delivery on occasion. I was initally worried that the handcrafted stuff would be limited to the three major cities, but there’s plenty of other towns and locations out there. I think there’s like three small towns just in the Sol system. It feels like every other system has one or two big handcrafted locations or questlines. I came across stuff like a resort town, a small assortment of settlers I had to negotiate a mutual defense pact for, an abandoned zero-g casino space station, a mercenary bar/motel with the absolute motherload of contraband (and a free ship), just to name a few.

The side and faction quests also are almost entirely handcrafted locations and not just clearing out enemies in generic locations like half the stuff in FO4 was. All the proc-gen quests have been relegated to Mission Boards, so every quest you get from an NPC will be an actual quest, although I had to do one single proc-gen mission to join one of the factions.

Also I’m surprised you saw that many game breaking bugs on streams, because it’s actually a very stable release. There’s some of the usual Creation Engine physics stuff, or an NPC might stand on a table or something, but I haven’t really encountered all that many bugs.


Yeah, the story/stories and characters are the actual meat of the game. It’s not a space sim like Star Citizen or NMS, it’s an RPG first and foremost, really.

Also, so far (~20 hours in) it’s way less bland than Fallout 4. It’s a way more of an RPG (I talked my way out of confrontations multiple times, sometimes even using my background and traits, when relevant). Sure, if you just keep landing on planets and going to the auto generated structures and scanning wildlife, it’s probably gonna be quite bland. But there’s way more actual content, way more actual quests that aren’t just clearing out bandits/raiders. The space sim-y stuff, that’s just there to sell the fantasy. Yes, you can be a bounty hunter or space trucker or whatever, but that content is of course going to be way more autogenerated, bland stuff. I’d recommend doing that stuff on the side, when you want a break from story heavy quests.

But even clearing out raiders is often waymore fun in Starfield, especially when it’s in space. For example, I came across an abandoned zero-gravity casino space station that spacers (one of this games version of raiders and bandits) were in, while I was on my way to the space cowboy city, and that was a very fun fight.

Another time, I was heading back to New Atlantis when I noticed a symbol for a ship in the same system. When I went to investigate, I first got into a dogfight with another ship, disabled their engine and borded them, then I noticed there was some kind of heavy freighter they were raiding, so I docked with that. On that ship, the engines were funky and as they were turning on and off the gravity was going, too, so I was fighting my way through a ship where the gravity was constantly fluctuating, which then also factored into small environmental puzzles, like waiting for the gravity to turn off to go up an elevator shaft. Eventually got to into the vault the space pirates were trying to get into, and although I couldn’t get all of it because I didn’t have a high enough lockpicking skill (the new lockpicking minigame is also kinda fun, ngl), but I did pick up some contraband. When I then finally actually went to New Atlantis, the contraband was caught by the scanners, I was arrested and then forcibly conscripted to go undercover into the Crimson Fleet (the space pirates), although I could’ve killed my way off the ship they brought me to if I wanted. Then the contact to get into the Crimson Fleet was actually the same person that gave the orders to attack that freighter I found! (There was an audiolog, because of course.) Sorry for going off on a tangent, I just felt like it would illustrate my point better than just saying “it good”

I also probably have like 5 other quests in my quest log to go join some faction, some big factions, some small factions. And that’s without even going to the cyberpunk city.

And so far I haven’t had to follow a dog for 20 minutes in search of a chainsmoker, so that’s already better than Fallout 4.


The NMS gameplay is really only a tiny part of Starfield. It’s an RPG. Like, an actual, proper RPG, with tons of actual quests. If you were only interested in the NMS part, flying from planet to planet to scan wildlife and gather resources, sure, you don’t need Starfield, NMS will do ya just fine, but there is a fuckton more to the game than that.


I was surprised by how much a gun’s handling can change based on mods and stuff. Like, I have two SMGs of the same type. One feels like this pinpoint accurate, low recoil special-ops stealth gun, the other one kicks like a mule and sprays lead at basically everything vaguely in front of me.

Also I can have a 1911 and VSS in space, so that’s fun.


Honestly, I just keep kinda having that sort of look. Like, recently I was in need of Titanium, but all of the planets I found that had some were extreme environments I am not equipped for, so I couldn’t collect much. But I did stumble onto an an abandoned ship that just happened to be loaded with the stuff! Now, the crew on that ship also all died of a mysterious illness shortly after picking up the ore, but, hey, I need to mod my weapons.

I also may have genocided some dinosaurs for another resource I had a hard time getting.


If you need a little more hope, I keep stumbling into cool and unique handcrafted locations and encounters all over the place, just doing side stuff, like, I just delivered two passengers and in doing so found two unique locations in the target star system. I originally feared it was mostly the three major cities getting the handcrafted stuff, but nope, there’s a ton of it out there.

Yes, there’s a lot of loading screens, but, honestly, I hardly even realize they’re there because they are legitimately just like 2 seconds on PC.


Saints Row felt like a desperate bid to save an already dying studio. You could actively feel the budget running out as you played the game.

Not like they did themselves any favours with the direction, but I think even if the game was better or sold better, it would’ve prolonged this at best. You can take the “it’s about family” hit to your reputation when you’re Star Wars, not when you’re a niche GTA competitor.


“So I killed an entire city, which caused the dead body clean up cell to overfill and explode dead bodies into the void, which first makes it rain dead bodies and then crashes the game.”


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  • Ser_Salty,

    Even if you do go with realism, we’ve hit a point of diminishing returns. Most PS5 games just look like the best looking PS4 games, but in 4K. I’d rather developers start using the system resources for things that actually matter instead of realistically simulating every follicle of a characters ass hair. Like, give me better NPC AI, give me more interactive environments, give me denser crowds, more interconnected systems. Just something.


    That’s lifetime budget, so including all marketing and development after release as well


    I think the singleplayer, aka the important bit, is going to be good. Leaks looked pretty promising. Probably not going to be as revolutionary as people expect after 10+ years of hype and speculation, but still probably a top tier video game surpassing their previous titles in many aspects. Online is probably going to be biggest shitshow of all time, though. Microtransactions, FOMO, subscriptions, battle passes, the works. Every bad thing about games as a service packed into one, with the additional bonus being that Rockstar can’t program a multiplayer to save their lives, so it’s going to be peer 2 peer, with the shitties netcode and matchmaking possible and absolutely zero protection from hackers. You know, like their last two multiplayers.


    GTA+ subscription required to unlock a bigger wallet and carry more than 1000$


    And 6 is obviously gonna have its own Online. And as somebody who was very active in the GTA Online space until a few months ago, they’re hitting the limit on what they can cram into this decade old game without it just crumbling under its own weight. Like, genuinely, the engine is struggling.


    Dan Houser and Lazlow (the guy responsible for all of the amazing radio ads and talk shows) both only left very recently (relatively speaking) and likely did a big share of writing for the game before that. And Sam Houser is still there, isn’t he?


    It’s inevitably going to be labelled woke because it has a female protagonist, a non-white female protagonist at that!

    Also there was some stuff in the leaks about

    spoilera right-wing militia which you can encounter and presumably slaughter, kinda like the KKK in RDR2, so expect Ben Shapiro to get upset about that

    I don’t think GTA6 is gonna be quite where they play it safe just yet, their brand recognition relies too much on crass satire of America. The Saints Row Reboot also totally flopped financially, so I don’t think anybody is going to take them as inspiration. I think the execs are just smart enough to know why GTA sells.


    If any game dev wants to know how to make a good multiplayer, just do the opposite of Rockstar lmao


    From what they’ve shown, Mirage won’t really have that grind, since it’s not an RPG game, nor is it as big as the last three games.


    Snowrunmer. Something about dragging big trucks through mud is just very relaxing and satisfying.


    And Ratchet and Clank is now releasing for PC


    I love just cruising around San Andreas’ map, stopping at roadside restaurants, clothing shops, betting shops etc., just kind of going on a little roadtrip with K-Dust in my ear


    Was it? The primary thing they’re selling through MTX is player and weapon “skins”, which were already a thing in the past games (they didn’t sell them, IIRC, but realistically they could’ve). I guess the booster packs and stuff like that wouldn’t really work without the RPG leveling, although I question how profitable those really are.

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