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Also $700 isn’t going to buy you much of a PC if you don’t have one already. Maybe mid spec 1080p.

Not that I’m arguing for PC. I’m pro-console in most circumstances. Only for power modders, power gamers or power purchasers would I maybe argue that PC is the better route. Everyone else, console 100% (except this joke of a console).


I’m on a replay of the single player campaign, and since this update the map is laggy as hell, and it’s dropping frames like crazy.


I bought a PS5 earlier this year that’s just collecting dust. I guess I didn’t realize or appreciate until after purchase that there is very few actual PS5 titles. There is no way in hell I would consider a PS5 Pro with their current library.


Except that a PC with modern specs costs over $2k to build. Comparing PCs to Consoles is a fools errand, yes of course it’s way better, because my gaming PC also cost five times as much to build.


Yeah I think we’ve learned by now that if you can’t touch it, you don’t own it. I’m tired of “leasing” software.


Yeah that’s a fair point. But you should still be able to play offline. I’m not much of an online gamer anyways.


I agree. That thing was HUGE. I have tiny hands too, and always struggled with it.

I also didn’t really like the N64 controller, it was kind of a weird size too, and it just had a weird layout.


There were some cheap ass weird ones in North America too. I remember for Christmas we’d ask for a Joycon or something like that, and we’d get “the Joycron,” which looked nothing like a controller, had a weird shape, felt like shit and was cheap as hell. The old man would be like, arrrr we saw it at the BiWay and it was 99 cents, why do you need the one thats $60? Then he would play it, and sure enough, by February you had the real one.


Sega Master System. A kid never forgets his first video game system, and nothing has quite scratched that itch ever since.


If you think about it, DOS still would do pretty much all you need. Everyone’s friggin too lazy anymore though, and enjoys being bombarded with bloat.


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  • GrindingGears,

    It’s friggin sad that most fingers are pointing to either side accusing each other of all sorts of shit, when they should be instead pointed towards about 100 people, and a system. The government is just a distraction, and a subterfuge, while the 1% absolutely raids everything else. Trump vs Biden isn’t the thing we should be focused on right now. It’s the population vs the Corporate West.


    Honestly they can just go ahead and turn off FM8. What a piece of shit that game is. It’s so bad. Like how can you literally fuck up a slam dunk that badly? They could have issued a slightly reskinned and updated FM7, and it would have been fine. But no.

    GT2 and FM2 (and FM4 I guess too) for the forever win!


    As a Calgarian, it was a joy to watch the Last of Us. After years of stumbling across the sets throughout the city, the anticipation was something else (plus I really love the game). It somehow exceeded all expectations. Bummer about it going to Vancouver for season 2 though


    You should check out this happening hip website called Reddit, my man. There will be lots of folks there that will agree with you.


    Yes. Just move on and make new games worth playing, instead of rehashing the past. And more often than not, fucking it up in the process. Only our modern society would accept and accommodate a remade game that’s 100% worse than the original.


    Who left Take Two/Rockstar, and went to Naughty Dog? That’s what I want to know.


    I’m not arguing that this wait wasn’t ridiculous, because it was, but it’s not like they weren’t doing anything in those years. RDRII was pretty epic, and it was a lot more ambitious than RDR. It couldn’t have been an easy development journey. Now I mean that takes us to what, late 2017, I can’t really explain 2018-23. This game should have been released in 2020 at the latest.

    We don’t yet know how ambitious this game is either though. It might blow your socks off. It sounds like you are pretty negative rockstar, which I totally understand and can sympathize. But games in the past four or five years just haven’t been doing it for me, we desperately need an awesome GTA, at least IMO.


    For almost $100 bucks at release (over $100 for any deluxe version), I personally expect finished products without excuses. The odd bug is of course not an issue, but I’m not a beta tester at that price. At $20 or $30? Meh. $89 and up? No dice.

    I’ll remain on the sidelines until the issues are resolved and see if it grows into a quality replacement for the first one. Hopefully on sale someday. That’s for sure my stance. These game releases are getting less and less exciting, because we are seeing more and more issues at release. I’m not ready to admit it’s excusable.


    I stand corrected, it does look like it’s $68 CAD on Steam. I could have sworn it was $89 at some point, but obviously am wrong on that.


    Lol I better check

    What is something (feature, modes, settings...) you would like to see become a standard in video games? angielski

    I’ve been thinking about making this thread for a few days. Sometimes, I play a game and it has some very basic features that are just not in every other game and I think to myself: Why is this not standard?! and I wanted to know what were yours....


    For real, or at least without forced updates.

    My biggest, biggest pet peeve of the PS4/PS5 era, is this. I’m in my 40s, I’m a senior management level professional, I’m on some boards, I’ve got very young kids. The amount of times I get to sit down and just go ahhhhh and fire up the PlayStation, number in the very low single digits each quarter. This means my PlayStation has to update what feels like two hundred thousand things, and I just want to play a god damn game. Nope, I have to update the new system software, have to update the games update, something for the sound, it literally feels like it never ends. So my three free hours turns into me throwing the controller and just moving on to something else more often than not, only for the cycle to repeat. It’s infuriating.


    They’ve had that standby mode for a few years for sure (I mostly use PS, but Xbox will have the same). I don’t know why though, for whatever reason after a while it just stops working. Might be the routers cycling or whatever, but it’ll stay on standby forever, but when you login there’s still a sea of updates and most stuff is unable to be played. I hear you on the multiplayer requirements and whatever too, personally I’m never a multiplayer. I’d accept the risks of a game being out of date if it just allowed me to skip updating.


    Ditto. I skipped PS5. Would have bought one, but they wanted to play games with their customers, so…

    Current PC is too bad for Cities Skylines 2. Can anyone judge the PCPartPicker list I've put together?

    This is based off the “Great tier” AMD build, but I’m waffling a bit on the price. I don’t really know a whole lot about PC specs, but I read this is supposed to be a good long-lasting build based on the DDR5 and something newer in the CPU or Video card. That being said, I’ve only really ever build mid-tier and while I...

    GrindingGears, (edited )

    I think a DDR5 build at this point is the way to go, but I’d highly recommend getting a bigger power supply for future proofing. I’d also consider a slight bump in the video card. Definitely get a bigger power supply though, as I made that mistake doing a 2020 build, only could get a 2000 series NVIDIA GPU at the time, so I just stuck a 650W in as that’s all it needed. Then once shit calmed down, I decided to catch the 5800x3d discount wave with a 4070ti and I had to get a new power supply. Spend the extra 50 bucks now, rather than spending $150 down the road and cursing yourself the whole time as you have to essentially rewire your whole setup. I wouldn’t go lower than 850W these days, and that’s going to be overkill for your setup right now, but it likely won’t always be.

    You’ll also need more RAM soon enough too, but that’s easy breezy down the road, allocate your money to something else right now. Just make sure to get it on two sticks and if your motherboard has four slots (pretty sure it does), you can always grab two more matching sticks on sale down the road. Problem solved.

    Oh, get a better hard drive than that too, there’s a reason it’s so cheap (PCI3). Just grab a 1TB for about the same price, but a PCI4 one. This is also something thats super easy to update down the road, and you don’t need to worry about for a bit, as 1TB will probably get you through the next year at least.


    I only grabbed a 5800x3D at boxing day last year, because I’m running an AM4 board and it was one less thing I’d need to update, well that and I’d have to also buy all new ram and buy in at the peak of pricing.

    If I was building from scratch today, I would unquestionably do an AM5 build. If I had an AM4 board and I was otherwise happy with my RAM setup, it’s still a pretty tough choice. You aren’t going to get as much time out of it at this point vs AM5, at least I don’t think. It also means your next build is going to almost for sure need to be entirely a new build, save for the case, the power supply (if it’s big enough) and maybe the storage (which hopefully will be larger and cheaper by then). The hard part, too, is they are already talking about a release window for AM6. So maybe AM5 doesn’t last as long as AM4 does, making this all moot. But you’d probably still have a refresh window with AM5 at that point, and not be totally obsolete.


    It’s all just a giant pissing contest at this point. Both are good. I prefer AMD, but Intel builds are cool too.


    The last good one.


    Starfield. I’m only a few hours in, but enjoying it so far.


    Just Cause 4 changed everything around. It’s just not fun, it’s really boring, plus the progression has been changed all around.

    Let’s be frank, the Just Cause games were never the highest of quality, the plots were always terrible, and they were super repetative. But they were good zone out and just have a good time exploring and playing action-sandbox sort of games. Just Cause 2’s map was pretty big for it’s time too. 2 and 3 are the best of the series. 4 is a dud.


    No but I regularly drive the truck through town at about 90mph.


    This. I remember playing Test Drive 3 as a kid, and being memorized with the choose your own route thing (which was huge for a game back then), and thinking how cool this sort of thing could be, if we could make the graphics realistic and basically make it like driving in the real world but it isn’t the real world.

    Well now we can make the graphics realistic. And we certainly have the data, the imagery and the technology.


    This is why people really have to start caring about who they work for, and professionally represent. It’s a tough, very unfair lesson to learn unfortunately. But if the company you are working for starts acting unethically, trust me (as someone who has learned the hard way), it’s a slippery slope that quickly has no bottom.

    Of course the little guy pays the price here, as usual, and my sincere hope is that they all quickly bounce back into better roles.

    As for Epic? I hope their bottoms have no bottom.

    GrindingGears, (edited )

    You always have a choice in who you work for. I’m not saying sometimes this choice doesn’t get frustratingly complicated, it does. But you always ultimately have that choice. More worker protections aren’t going to do shit either, too many peeons are brainwashed to ever successfully see it through, and with more regulations come more loopholes.

    Nope, the only thing that’s going to work, is if people finally wake the hell up, and grow a pair to collectively do something about it. Might never be possible, but if it isn’t, well stuff like this isn’t ever going to change. What if the entire staff of Epic, in response, just decided to not show up tomorrow onwards? Stood the line through all the threats…Epic would quickly be in very big trouble. The buck would end there, and change would get forced.


    I’m already 50% of the time on my ship to the seven seas. Do they want me permanently at sea? Same goes with the media companies like Disney+, Netflix and Amazon. They push it any further, I’m pushing off to seas for good.

    They *literally, figured out how to beat piracy. The unbeatable problem. And then they had to go and blow it with their greed.

    Meh. Capcom games just became $0 for me, because I’ll swear an oath before you to pirate every one of their games, from here on out.


    Nope. I only pirate when media companies can’t stop gorging themselves on billions of dollars in profit and shovelling shares and dollar bills down their greedy little throats.

    It’s not that I don’t have the money, I’ve just had enough. When you had one of two streaming services and a Spotify and good prices on steam and whatnot, that worked.

    Today we have preorders that eclipse 100 dollars, my streaming service bills are more than the cable bills they were supposed to be replacing, and now it’s just more more more. We want more more more



    I don’t need to justify piracy to you. You are the one that’s morally outraged here. Again, I have the money, it’s not a poverty thing. It’s a perception thing. When people act gross, I act gross in response. Plain and simple. You can try to defend these companies, some of which have larger profits than the GDP outputs of some countries, all you want. That’s your prerogative. When companies put greed before the goodwill of the customers, which this is by the way, then I act shitty in response. That’s my prerogative.


    That’s just it. First off, I rarely am interested in Capcom games, think the last one I bought was in maybe 2016? (RE7). So this person you are responding to really is going off the handle over a nothing burger, I assure you.

    But you’ve hit on an important point, that’s important to discuss. These price hikes are disproportionate to the growth of household earnings, and more importantly, digital media was supposed to drive costs down, and not up for the end consumer. We don’t actually own these games, we more or less lease them. There’s nothing physical anymore. Which is a problem. Not that I don’t like the ease of digital purchases, it’s the fact that at any moment I can be stripped of access to the product. Which makes it a lease or rental, not full ownership. Yet they keep wanting to drive the costs up up up, in light of that fact. It’s getting to be gross behaviour. The products are declining in quality, the costs keep going up, actual ownership of the end product comes into question, and the profits keep going to a smaller and smaller circle of people, some of whom are among the most vile of people alive today.

    Enough is enough.


    See Mom!? Now leave me alone.

    Friggin 80s parents, I tell ya…


    These games came out in very late teenage-hood for me, but the amount of nights piled around the TV with the bros, pounding beers and bongers, and scaring ourselves…oh man the memories. Those games were absolute rippers, Parasite Eve 2 especially (except for that end boss)


    One of them would shank you, wouldn’t they? The butler? I’m struggling to remember the exact specifics, I just remember someone would kill you.


    I remember the first time I ever saw 7th Guest.

    All I could think about, was this was the future!! The graphics (lol), oh man!! It was on a CD! That went in your computer

    The game was kind of boring though, IMO anyways. Never really got into those 7th Guest, Myst games that deeply, as they could never hold my attention long enough.


    That game caused a lot of bullshit with those parent groups and whatnot. Definitely one of the better TG-16 games for sure.

    Then Carmageddon and Grand Theft Auto came along a few years later lol…


    Sometimes you can’t even get them to run right on modern computers. Pirated versions usually have some sort of way of dealing with this, whereas the originals don’t.

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