Did that Bible game include gameplay around setting up a “church” that was actually a political donation front to promote political parties that would limit free access to healthcare for the population (under the auspices of lower taxes and “market driven solutions to healthcare”)?
Current AAA titles almost certainly have comparable development costs.
If you have 1,000 FTEs with a blended per-FTE annual cost of $100 K (I would argue this could be higher in North America and Western Europe) that works out to $100 M per year of development.
Really dislike the style and tone of this particular youtuber. A lot of the clips I’ve encountered with make him sound like a shill or someone whose primary audience is children.
I stopped playing consoles after my first Sega Mega Drive (most of the games I like work better on M+KB), but I’ve been meaning to try and play some N64 games in an emulator. And HD texture and quality mods would be a nice addition.
Tried the demo out, it’s a very stylish game and with it’s own unique take on movie production (somewhat similar to how you develop games in Mad Games Tycoon). Seemed promising, although I do wonder how well the core movie production gameplay works in the mid to late game.
I recently tried playing TF2 after a long break (maybe 5 years) and while there is still decent number of user run servers, it’s not always easy to find a relatively full one for many maps.
It really is special. I initially tried it out because I liked the aesthetic and the map setup/setting; small fantasy colony surrounded by impenetrable forest in a post-apocalyptic world. I was really skeptical about the roguelike x citybuilder hybrid as I like long city-builder sessions with huge maps and elaborate city designs, but they pulled it off perfectly.
I have 100+ hours. I did stop playing after the one of the early access builds made some changes that undermined by core strategy, but that’s a personal thing. Really need to try out the DLC and start from scratch.