Yeah I have a version of Madden from 2015 that works perfectly fine and seems to be more or less the same game, have been very happy with it. I refuse to pay $70 for a game that I know is riddled with microtransactions for really… nothing else changing
xenia_canary is coming along. I could play the entirety on xenia_canary on Windows… only a matter of time.
That’s why I’ve been pushing for a whole rebuild of it. RDR2 already has New Austin and West Elizabeth fully built out in it’s map. Most of the characters exist already in RDR2. Honestly, for the amount of time to “remaster” it they should just rebuild it as a DLC to RDR1, have the player immediately take off into it from the end of the game. Charge $60 bucks for it and everyone would buy it still.
That’s probably true sadly, but still only ps4 and switch… Which I guess are the two systems that don’t have back compat.
That’s the thing about rdr1 though, they could basically name their price a true remaster and tons of people would buy a full one too. You could set a ludicrous number like 150 and I shamefully would still buy it if it were a good remaster.
Goddamn I’ve been looking forward to a release for years now but goddamn this is sad.
THE MAJORITY OF THE MAP IS ALREADY DONE IN RDR2. JUST REBUILD THE GAME AS DLC FOR THAT. Ffs we’re all willing to shill out major dollars for Rdr1 to be remade in rdr2s engine and with West Elizabeth already existing in RDR2s map you could easily just continue on from the end of 2 into 1!
Hell most of the characters are in 2 as well! Port the quests and voice acting over, not saying it’s not massive but ffs that’s the 60 dollar DLC we’d ALL gladly pay for!
Goddamn studio execs are morons.
Edit I see that there are rumors and speculation that a full PS5/XSX/PC remaster is also possible, but at this point I’ll believe it when I see it. I really hope so, but I’m just so annoyed with how game studios handle this now. If they need cashflow in between major releases then do what Witcher did with Blood & Wine. We don’t need a new engine for every small release, release a decent DLC and honestly I’d pay $50-60 bucks for it. Blood and Wine deserved the $40 and honestly maybe a bit more. If they redid RDR1 as DLC to RDR2 I think it’d be very fair to pay $60 for it and it wouldn’t require a whole new engine.
HOW DARE YOU PUT ME THROUGH THIS RIGHT NOW. I was just sitting here, enjoying some coffee, truly having a great day. I can’t handle this right now,@Xariphon
Right but it’s a story, it doesn’t all have to be rootin tootin cowboy shooting, the storytelling is a major part of it. It helps the player really feel like theyre expercing Arthur. I get what you’re saying, but they definitely purposefully chose these devices from a storytelling perspective.
Agree with you, I remember where the person is talking about, press x to walk on guarma, which did drag on, but they were shipwrecked and he didn’t know what was happening yet. Rdr gets exceptions to me because it’s so cinematic, to me the game is realistic, but so much that you aren’t playing a game, you’re watching a movie.