ssamulczyk, do rowery angielski
!deleted197 avatar

! After only 3 hours of sleep I had to get up early to take to school, so why not ride myself down even more in the strong winds. At least the sun was nice…🤡😂

@cycling @rower


ssamulczyk, do rowery angielski
!deleted197 avatar

Yesterday was fun, despite the ! However, in the end they’ve dragged me back home for a work emergency and I had to stay up until 4am…😂🤡

@cycling @rower


ssamulczyk, do rowery angielski
!deleted197 avatar

! The lice are gone, are back!🥰 Yesterday we’ve done some wrenching and handlebars cutting and little Franiu has a bigger bike with gears now!💥 He’s automatically the fastest guy around!😂

@cycling @rower


ssamulczyk, do rowery angielski
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ssamulczyk, do rowery angielski
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ssamulczyk, do rowery angielski
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Now that’s new! My entire family has lice! Kindergartens…😅 Not me, though… I had a nice time with a friend!😂 Washed and combed my head on return just in case and it’s clean. I guess it helps, sleeping on the couch…😂

@cycling @rower


ssamulczyk, do rowery angielski
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ssamulczyk, do rowery angielski
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ssamulczyk, do rowery angielski
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! Last days of perfect weather… Some nice places along again, so it doesn’t get that boring. There is only so much you can do within the city limits…

@cycling @rower


ssamulczyk, do rowery angielski
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ssamulczyk, do rowery angielski
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! Had a bad night with a very little sleep and humidity was through the roof, so it felt like an utter grind… We also overslept so were late today…😔

@cycling @rower


ssamulczyk, do rowery angielski
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ssamulczyk, do rowery angielski
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on a ! The things we do for love…🥰 Torrential are passing through Europe, but with the right gear everything is doable!😂🤡

@cycling @rower


ssamulczyk, do rowery angielski
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ssamulczyk, do rowery angielski
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Haven’t been at with a friend for some time. It was nice to go into the darkness for a change!🥰

Too bad it started raining in the end…🤷🏻‍♂️

@cycling @rower


ssamulczyk, do rowery angielski
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ssamulczyk, do rowery angielski
!deleted197 avatar
ssamulczyk, do rowery angielski
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ssamulczyk, do rowery angielski
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! First ride after 3 weeks of shingles induced hiatus! My heart rate was abysmal, rarely dropping below 160bpm and I was going easy… But I’m happy I’m back!🥰 The form will return!🫣

@cycling @rower


adrase, do rowery avatar

Wróciła mi miłość do gravelowania odkąd założyłem opony o szerokości 43.

adrase, do rower avatar

Ta wycieczka mi się po prostu należała.


ssamulczyk, do rowery
!deleted197 avatar

🇩🇰! Today I’ve done a 115km tour around the island! It wasn’t that bad except the wind on the west coast and that nasty double digit kicker at … I’m a little proud of myself!🥰

I can rest now…😂

@cycling @rower


ssamulczyk, do rowery
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ssamulczyk, do rowery
!deleted197 avatar

So, we went to the at and it was fun! Peter (7) went over the bars only once, Franek’s (5) front wheel washed out just out of the trail head and I hit a tree trying to record with one hand on the bars on a . Well, I kinda asked for it…😂🤡

@cycling @rower


ssamulczyk, do rowery
!deleted197 avatar

from 🇩🇰 ! On day one I’ve had to find the highest hill on the island!😂 Also, discovered trail head and we’re planning to take there!🥰

@cycling @rower


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