ssamulczyk, 4 miesiące temu #GoodMorning #Cycling! It’s #RoadBike mood and weather. A bit more relaxing ride today, with only few mild accents, as I’ve pushed it harder 2 days in a row. #Bicycle #Bici #Bicicleta #Ciclismo #Velo #Fahrrad #Rower #Wahoo #Wahooligan #Velominati #LifeBehindBars #LookMomNoHands #Warta #Wartostrada #Poznan #Canyon #Shimano #Evanlite #ASMR #Szosa #Workout #BikeToot #BikeTooter @rower @cycling video/mp4
#GoodMorning #Cycling! It’s #RoadBike mood and weather. A bit more relaxing ride today, with only few mild accents, as I’ve pushed it harder 2 days in a row.
#Bicycle #Bici #Bicicleta #Ciclismo #Velo #Fahrrad #Rower #Wahoo #Wahooligan #Velominati #LifeBehindBars #LookMomNoHands #Warta #Wartostrada #Poznan #Canyon #Shimano #Evanlite #ASMR #Szosa #Workout #BikeToot #BikeTooter @rower @cycling
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