The series died with Desmond. They were building up to something in the present day and then just fucked it all off with no payoff. And then proceeded to not replace it with anything. Where’s the ongoing storyline to hook me in to continue playing? 4’s playtester double agent was cool for a little bit but not enough to keep me interested and they never got it to a point where I wanted to know more after the credits rolled. The series ended for me there, when they confirmed Desmond was just a brain in a jar now, fuelling abstergo’s games.
Unity spent a long time being unplayable in an are where that was unforgivable than it is now. I picked it up just before the big patch where they also threw in the first DLC for free as an apology and I ran pretty well on my device, but nobody cared because nobody was playing it.
I feel it also had a pretty lackluster story, I opened strongly but generally but then just became blander as it progressed. I really wanted to like the characters, but they never landed for me.
The last game that I feel had a great plot was black flag, largely because everything since origins has been enormous in scope in a way that’s just directly detrimental to a linear cutscene style story. Also as historical RPGs they’re good but Assassin’s Creed has something really special that has been forgotten, and I was hoping this game would reignite it, but it seems not.
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