Coming from The Netherlands the Danish cycling infrastructure -and value society gives to it- has a lot of room for important.
That said, at least it's not France where they put a #christmas tree right in the middle of a cycle lane as that's easier than getting a two meter extension cord for the lights..
Considering handlebar covers/mittens for doing #OpenStreetMap updates in cold weather. They're quite pricey though. Would they help?
It's fairly slow travel, with frequent stops near the footway=sidewalk to record data on the phone. Are they any good for that sort of thing, if I use them with a pair of insulated fingerless gloves underneath? #BikeTooter@bikes@mastobikes@cycling
Rozszerzenie jest nakładką na planery tras, takie jak komoot czy ride with gps i pozwala przy układaniu trasy wybierać jeszcze nieodwiedzone miejsca.
@wloczykij czy ja wiem czy na telefon ? generalnie mozesz sobie odpallić jako PWA i na żywo śledzić pozycje.
Z reguły to przydatne rozwiazanie dla tych, co planuja sobie dłuższe tripy. bo wąpie, zeby tak spontanicnzie planować wyprawy po okolicy (wokół komina) ;-)
ja w ten sposób odkryłem wiele ciekawych zakątów pomiedzy Wlkp A kujawami. nigdy bym tam nie trafił :D
If you are talking about the average rider, they take their bike to the shop to get the pads replaced, but only at the point where they are making grinding noises or not working properly. Hydraulic discs self-adjust through the life of the pad, so they stay close to as-new performance right up until they're almost completely worn out, while rim or cable discs require constant adjustment to stay at optimum performance. @nothingfuture@hughtaylorscifi@v_perjorative@cycling@mastobikes