Maven, do gaming w Game Pass - What's your favorite sleeper hit? avatar

Umurangi Generation! It’s a really cool game about punk photography in a near-future capitalist dystopia.

Michaelmitchell, do gaming w Process optimization games?

Just started timberborn and it seems to be in this vain. It's a beaver city builder and you have to manage the river with dams to survive droughts, along with the typical food, water and energy resource management.

MJBrune, do gaming w Pet peeve, games that won't let you save

I feel like the answer is twofold.

Either the developers hit technical limitations of their save system and couldn’t reliably restart everything. I feel like RDR2 did this because most of their missions were very specific scripted sequences that needed to be kept on track from the start. A lot of roguelikes are unable to save during a run or within a node of that run. For example Peglin and Void Bastards. It’s much easier to say what node or position the player is at than all the AI states, combat, etc. Additionally, automatic saving has always been difficult. Everyone knows the whole “the game auto-saved and now I die instantly over and over again” bug that happens in any game. The way to negate this is to use checkpoints with areas where you know the player isn’t going to get attacked. Another way is to try to detect when you are in combat or not but this can lead to the game never saving. Overall it’s much easier to just save a state that you know the player will be okay to start back up in.

Or the designers felt like it added something to the game like in Alien Isolation. Save points allow you to exit and designers are trying to focus on keeping players playing. So save points are also an exit point. When you allow the player to save, you allow the player to exit without feeling like they must continue going. Designers use this to try to keep their games more engaging. Super Meat Boy removed a few exit points from typical platformers in order to make the game faster. A lot of games try to be so easy to keep playing that they make it hard to stop. In some ways, this can be seen as a dark pattern in game design. Typically though, designers aren’t trying to be nefarious but instead trying to keep the game engaging.


The right way to handle auto saves potentially being at bad times is to just keep the last 5 or so of them, and allow multiple manual saves too.


Eh, that’s honestly not a great solution. It’s a bandaid workaround. Getting better detection on when to auto-save or auto-saving at known good times is a lot better. The multiple auto-save solution is a good fallback but not the definitive answer. You could also just make the player invincible for 1-2 seconds after a save load and then also cast their position to the navmesh to make sure you save them in a place that they aren’t going to immediately fall to their death or out of the map. A lot of open-world games now just restart your character entirely leaning up against a building in the world or camping or whatever. Making it feel like the player character has their own agency and actions while you just play them for a while.

It’s also a compounding issue, that’s just one of the technical issues over many. In the end, it really depends on the type of game you are building. Every game is released incomplete, even the biggest masterpiece, the developers wanted to do something more. So you balance the technical issues between saving the real-time states or just saving off some simple data like you were at this mission in this area, with this inventory, with these player stats. Even that is a lot to keep track of and test. To then add stuff like AI states, active combat, randomization data, etc. I understand why a lot of roguelikes don’t save most of the active game data. After all, developing games is very hard and the save system is not a high priority to the general experience of the game.


No, those are all worse than just having multiple saves and more user control. I hate those approximate save systems because they force me to waste time getting back to what I was doing when I load a save.


That’s fair, you can certainly like the multiple saves and more user control. Personally, I feel like it boils down to what type of game I am playing. If I am playing a large RPG then yes, auto-save multiple times and let me have a ton of user control. if I am playing a roguelike in which a run will be over in 15 minutes, I don’t mind not having any control over my saves because I don’t care about an individual run most of the time. If I do, I spend the extra 5 minutes and finish up the run. For something like Just Cause or RDR2, I feel like their general save system is fine enough and gives a good cinematic feeling which outweighs any time I spend getting back to whatever I was trying to do. Which is typically just a few steps away from what I found.

That said I’m probably diving too deep into this stuff. I develop games for a living so I am constantly thinking about the best system for the game. I don’t think every game would be better if it had a multiple-save slot auto-save system. I can understand why it’s not in scope or would hurt the experience. If Alien Isolation had just saved where ever you are, that game wouldn’t have been as intense as it was. It’d ruin the game.

It’s fine to like the system, it works well for a lot of games but maybe it’s not a one-size fits all solution?

!deleted4210 avatar

Ugh… I wish more developers kept their customers engaged by making good games instead of creating some meta game to keep the hamster wheel running. That feels like a lot of MMO’s…


In some cases, yes, they are trying to keep the wheel running and make the player less likely to quit by using psychology. Valve is very famous for deploying psychology in their games. Specifically DOTA and CSGO. But a lot of the time the design intent is innocent. In Super Meat Boy the intent was clearly and well stated that they didn’t want the player to blame the game and to keep them trying again as quickly as possible. If you are going to make a tough platformer then it’s clearly a good design choice to allow players to keep trying as fast as possible. With Alien Isolation, again the design intent is innocent as they are just looking to add tension and give the player some sense of relief from that tension. Most media follows a flow of tension then drops to relief a bit, then tension. If you keep the reader/player/viewer/etc tense all the time then they become dull to it. Frankly, it’s why I haven’t gone back into Red Dead 2 for about a week. The game has just mounted tension over and over again without a break to just be a cowboy. Always something to do and something to prepare for.


That’s funny I found the total opposite with red dead. Too much stupid bullshit like fishing and getting shaved and twenty minute fucking horse rides and not enough actual fun gameplay, just filler all the time. Of course I tried to play it like a completionist when I probably should’ve treated it like grand theft auto and just advanced the story by doing more missions.


I agree in that regard. It’s more story tension rather than action or shootouts. The downtime doesn’t feel like downtime to me but instead character-building. In the next parts of the game immediately something happens to that character. So they build the character up just to get you invested so when something happens it feels like it went to shit but it’s a constant rushed pace. I didn’t engage in the hunting or fishing more than what the story required as much as I am into the robbery and stuff that mainly comes from the missions but the missions bring this character drama that while really good, is too much at times.

squidsarefriends, do gaming w Process optimization games?

Your suggestions are great, thank you! What’s still missing is a game that let’s you hire people with different skills and watch them do their stuff (Theme Hospital, maybe? There have to be better examples nowadays!)

A close example could be Game Dev Tycoon I played for a while. But unfortunately you really had to micromanage every step.

howrar, do gaming w Process optimization games?

Links so people can view from their own instance


Those still direct to the same URL for me. Auto-conversion of ! references seems sub-optimal that way.

What works is linking manually to /c/automation_games (propably only from lemmy, as I understand kbin has different conventions :( ): !automation_games, written like [!](/c/automation_games)

andrai, do gaming w Process optimization games? avatar

Some genre names would be: Colony Sim, Base Builder or City Builder.

Another great one is Dwarf Fortress, you should give it a try if you haven’t already. It probably has the most in depth simulation of any game there is.


Cool, thank you so much! DF is on my list but the graphics … 😅


It added actual graphics somewhat recently, you don’t need to stare at ascii anymore

andrai, avatar…/Dwarf_Fortress/

In case you aren’t aware, the devs released a version with proper graphics now.


Lord, what have you done


If you're like me, experience with Rimworld + the new graphics will be what finally pulls you in. It's really great.

farcaster, do gaming w Process optimization games?

Settlers 2 (and the faithful remake Settlers 2: 10th Anniversary) is pretty old but is still one of my favorite economy building games

PenguinTD, do gaming w Process optimization games?

Automation, procedural, visual programming. Or just world building game.

One example:

Pretty much any game from that developer is procedural/automation related.

!deleted5791 avatar

Ha, was just about to come recommend Zachtronics games. They’re more, uh, programm-y than the others being mentioned, but they definitely do center around process management

thatsTheCatch, do gaming w Process optimization games?

I usually call them management games. Looking at the Steam tags for Factorio and RimWorld, they both have “Management” and Factorio additionally has “Resource Management”. But I think “Management” is your best bet.

I think RTS games don’t usually fall under management and instead are just called RTS.

In terms of my favourite ones, I love FTL: Faster Than Light. I’m picking it up again at the moment actually. I also like RinWorld, Oxygen Not Included, and Dungeon of the Endless.


FTL is so insanely good!


I don’t know if I would call FTL a process optimization game. One thing I feel like it’s missing is feedback if your process is being optimized or if you just got lucky. With Rimworld, Roller Coaster Tycoon, and Factorio all include metrics that allow you to judge if you’ve made your process better but because of FTLs randomness, it’s hard to determine if you played better or just had better rolls. That said I love FTL and it’s an amazing game.


I’ve played a good bit of FTL and never felt like I knew what I was doing.


Absolutely how I felt. It’s heavy on the randomness and I’ve never beat it despite doing very well on some runs. I think the important thing about FTL is that it’s about the journey. The ending is always depressing.


Oxygen Not Included

2nd vote for ONI. Many hundred hours in it.


Another +1 for ONI. Like running an ant farm of suicidal clones

bijuice, do gaming w New Rule announcement: Meme Monday's

How about creating a separate sub for that kind of content? It worked well for Reddit. They have r/games for discussion and r/gaming for memes and shitposts.


That would be a admin decision. It seems this decision was made by the c/gaming mods


I see. Well we could always ask the admins. I’d even be willing to contribute $5 for the logo of the new sub to get the unfunny memes off this sub 😂


Personally, I think a gaming meme community is too niche for our instance at the moment. Especially when our general jokes and humor community doesn’t see much posting. I would think this type of content could be posted there any day of the week

FightLightPollution, do gaming w Process optimization games?

Factorio. The factory must grow.

CeleryFC, do gaming w New Rule announcement: Meme Monday's

Seems weird to me that a platform starved for content and engagement would limit one of its largest forms of content to only be allowed on 1 day per week. 🤷‍♂️


Memes tend to not be a great discussion starter. If there is an overwhelming amount of memes, interactions and discussions can easily be buried and socially discouraged as a result.


That’s fair. I spent probably 15 years on that other site lurking some really fantastic conversations in the comments, but it’s hard to find any posts here with more than a few comments. I’d much prefer active comment sections, but I’d settle for memes. I get where you’re coming from, hopefully this will help the conversations.

uninvitedguest, avatar

Matter of opinion. I would rather have an empty feed than have to scroll past all the memes I have no interest in.

!deleted4231 avatar

Agreed. It gets to the point where if anything, it’s inhibitive to growth because people just zip right on past it before ultimately unsubscribing.

Gordon_Freeman, avatar

I blocked the user who flooded the community with shitposting, I prefer no content rather than shitty, low quality content

I left plenty of subreddits because that kind of content was rampant and it was hard to find actual quality content, because those posts were buried in shitty memes

SamPond, avatar

The usage of “content” and “engagement” in this post is genuinely depressing. People clearly want to have conversations and discussions, not feed an algorithm machine.

______, do gaming w Pet peeve, games that won't let you save

The only reason is hardware limitation. I imagine it’s more difficult to load at any point in the game in a massive game due to how much is stored in your memory.

Let’s say you’re playing a game and there’s 6 NPCs outside and they’re doing their own thing.

If the game has a traditional save system, when you exit the save location it’s normal for these entities to rest let their position. Maybe at best their properties (maybe they were wet because of rain) are saved.

But it’s much easier to just not save any of this info and reload everything from scratch and only save your progress and location.

!deleted4210 avatar

Some games seem to manage it quite well though? But yeah, they probably had to pit a lot more energy into implementing it.


I think some custom game engines have creative solutions for handling instant saving and loading. For example System Shock has save and load without any delay. But it is a fairily simplistic game at the same time.


Ironically Bethesda games track tons of stuff on the world state and still let you save pretty much anywhere.


That is one thing they got right I guess.

r00ty, do gaming w Pet peeve, games that won't let you save avatar

Back in the day of 8/16bit computers we had the solution for this. The action replay cartridge. Could save the exact machine state at any time.

!deleted4210 avatar

Save states would be nice. Just dump the game’s data from ram to disk.

That would probably take up a ton of space though. :)

Davel23, do gaming w Pet peeve, games that won't let you save

The thing I fucking hate is when the game doesn't make it obvious when a checkpoint is activated. Then you go to quit the game: "Everything since the last checkpoint will be lost". Well WHEN WAS THE LAST MOTHERFUCKING CHECKPOINT, ASSHOLE?

!deleted4210 avatar

Yeah, it really can’t be that hard to show a saving indicator…


I hate that even when it is obvious. If I save and then immediately quit and it says “everything since the last save will be lost” I’m always paranoid that it means I didn’t actually save correctly.


“obvious” means, I think, that it says something like “last saved 5 seconds ago”


I mean, I hate that too. “I’m going to lose 5 seconds of progress?! Oh no!” It ought to be able to see that I didn’t do anything progress-relevant in those 5 seconds and just skip the dialog…


Now you’re talking about doing a save state comparison to avoid one line of dialogue. Have fun with the preceding lag spike, I guess.


Add counters to progression:
20/180 quests completed
1805/9456 dialogue choices explored
567/568 npcs killed
95/102 areas explored
And whatever else you define as progress

Add this info into your save data. When quitting the game, open the most recent save, read the counters, compare to current values, display a nondescript “you’ve had a little/a lot of/no progress since you last saved, are you sure you want to quit without saving?” Shouldn’t take so long that it triggers a lag spike, I don’t think.


Will a change in position be considered a progress though? How far?

There are a lot of questions to answer in such a case, so I’d argue that a timer is good enough

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