kd637_mi, do gaming w Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of August 6th

Baldur’s Gate 1 single player, Divinity: Original Sin 1 in co-op. I was playing through Colony Ship which is another isometric RPG, but I didn’t want to get to the end of the early access content before release later this year. I figure if I play through the originals of BG and D:OS I’ll have a good amount of time to wait for BG3 to be in sale and have some updates maybe. That or Colony Ship will be released.

RandoCalrandian, do gaming w Rant: Frustration Related to Ethics of Games Companies avatar

Have you tried growing up?

No, seriously.

You support more unethical bullshit buying avocados and meat than you do video games. To even give the issues you’ve mentioned as much attention as you have, while ignoring the much less ethical things you purchase far more often, shows how disingenuous and shallow your objection to those products really is, and it leads to more problems than it solves.

For example, Balders Gate 3 is a pretty fantastic game, with no micro transactions or as far as I can see any other form of end user manipulation.

They’re also one of the few studios I’ve seen recently that the devs dont seem burnt out on, which says a lot about how they were managed.

And they just license the content from wizards, to go “oh they’re tangentially related so it’s evil!” (Which you also did with hogwarts legacy) denies all the hundreds and thousands of passionate developers of a chance.

Indie games are a great alternative, true, but as others have said indies can be as toxic as the big companies when they want to be. Not to mention the long term consequences of that direction being developers can’t work together to make AAA games anymore, because according to your rules if a shithead makes it to the top everyone else’s work should be thrown away.


while ignoring the much less ethical things you purchase far more often

OP did not indicate anywhere what kind of food they buy. You are judging them without knowing their habits.

RandoCalrandian, avatar

You’re right I am, but I do stand by it.

Mine is simply a more specific example of the “there is no ethical consumption under capitalism” argument that has been repeated here many times.

It was a reasonable to assume OP frequently purchases food

ram, avatar

Mine is simply a more specific example of the “there is no ethical consumption under capitalism” argument that has been repeated here many times.

You mean the argument saying we cannot fix the system without abolishing the system? You’re using it to instead justify the inequities of the system and henceforth ignoring them because you completely missed the point of the phrase?


It was a reasonable to assume OP frequently purchases food

You specifically mentioned avocados and meat. I know some people who only buy local food and do not buy meat. Your reasoning would not apply to them.


You know what an example is? Regardless of whether I agree with him or not, those were examples. They good list a whole bunch of other foods or shampoos or drinks or whatever the hell you can imagine. The poster was trying to make a point. Fixating on the examples and giving personal examples of people you specifically don’t do the two things the poster mentioned doesn’t make the argument lose its merit.

My personal opinion on the subject is very different than the poster’s, which can be summarized to that I don’t oppose art because I don’t like the artist, I won’t stop reading Lovecraft or listening to Vivaldi because they were trash people, because their art is great. So I don’t in fact agree with what the poster said, but clinging to personal examples to refute an argument while ignoring the global average which is what the argument was using is disingenuous.

With the same logic, since the people you know don’t eat meat, that’d mean there’s no problem with the meat eating in the world, which I’m sure you’d rush to point out the absurdity of logic there.


My personal opinion on the subject is very different than the poster’s, which can be summarized to that I don’t oppose art because I don’t like the artist, I won’t stop reading Lovecraft or listening to Vivaldi because they were trash people, because their art is great. So I don’t in fact agree with what the poster said

OP did not say they did not want to play the games. They said they could not play their games because that would be giving money to the studios; that which is a form of support. The relevant sentence is here:

I can’t play them because it’d be giving those companies/people money

I am fairly sure that OP would love to play the games they cite. And that they love the art. But that is not the point. The point is whether or not they are willing to support the bad practices from the studio. Because if they did buy the game, indirectly it would be supporting those bad practices.

Your initial point (the “global average” of it) was that there are more serious things to care in the world - you were assuming that OP had to be doing something else such as buying non-local food which is bad for the planet, and you were more or less saying that it is stupid for them to care about what happens in the game industry when they most probably do not care about the food they eat.

My point was that you were doing moral assumptions about OP - I pointed your specific avocado example, but even more generally than that, you were assuming that OP had to be doing something wrong somewhere in the context of ecology.

Well, now, my last and final point is that OP may be someone who is careful about what they buy generally speaking (not just avocados), whether it be shampoo or whatever. Again, I do know people who are very careful about what they buy. They will try their best to never buy something new for instance ; buying from second-hand places for example. And they will try their best to almost never waste something. If OP were to be someone like that, then your whole point would not apply to them. Hence my initial point.

I did not get your meta-logical reasoning on your last paragraph. But I will leave it at that because I am not sure continuing this discussion is fruitful.


You’re right it’s not, since neither did I comment on the original poster’s message, but the one’s you were responding to, nor did I assume anything about the original poster. And I’m certain I was not the person you originally replied to either.

Maybe pay more attention next time? If you’re interested in my answer to the OP, I have that below in another comment that answers to the OP, not you answering to someone else that commented on the OP.


Apologies - I am not good with names and the “Show context” feature only shows one message. I did not even realize I was talking to a different person. Thanks for clarifying


You know why I hated on hogwarts legacy?

I hated on it because it had denuvo and was performing like ass unless you had high end hardware at the time

RandoCalrandian, avatar

And those are far better reasons than being upset about what a fanfic author wrote on Twitter one time

ram, avatar

Ah, disregard my last comment. You’re clearly in bad faith, there’s no discussion to be had with you.

RandoCalrandian, avatar


Signal virtue before all else, reason included


Clown on clown violence

Jk, but I’m enjoying this fight


So, what, unless OP somehow changes their habits to buy literally zero of anything produced by unethical companies it’s not even worth trying?

Not sure they’re the ones that need to grow up and be less edgy…


I do agree with this.


I appreciate your thought-out response. I’m going to respond as best I can to your points.

I struggle with moral/ethical conundrums in all areas of my life. The current discussion is games, but I really do consider the harm I might be causing any time I buy things. There are some harms that I cannot avoid, such as the purchase of gasoline (my current income is low and I cannot afford a greenee car). Others, such as food purchases, are limited in what I can do… But I try anyway. I have an app for telling me about ethical sourcing by company/product which I use at the store. Clothing, sadly, tends to be unethical no matter what, unless I make my own clothes - I sadly don’t have the time or money to do so.

With video games, which are themselves a luxury, I have so many choices of what to play that I feel I have much more ability to decide what not to play, based on how I feel about where my money is going.

I should also acknowledge that I don’t think any of these games/developers will suffer as a result of me not purchasing them. Developers/programmers also do not make income based on sales, and layoffs happen after the release of many major AAA games, simply because they don’t need that large team anymore (I don’t agree with this practice at all, and I think it’s horrible to do to people who already don’t make enough for their work, but it’s relatively industry standard). The gaming community is also waaaay too large for any kind of boycott to be effective. I’m just trying to be mindful about my purchases based on my own feeling.

I think you raise a fair point about indie games. I think it’s a good reminder to me to look into those as well. As long as there’s no major publicized controversy surrounding an indie company, however, there’s no information I can use to steer me away from it. But, I appreciate your reminder not to blindly purchase indie games just because the company is “indie.”

Overall, I appreciate you taking the time to respond to me. I will be considering your points as I move forward.


As far as I know, Larian is not such a company like you mention. Everything they’ve done or said so far, to my knowledge, both referring to BG3 and their previous games is classes above the average for the industry.

Of course it’s your decision to not buy their game based on the fact they had to use WotC’s IP, but you’re punishing an actually good developer for something they did not have a choice on (WotC’s ethics and way of running things).

Truth is like that you’re not hurting them, and most importantly not hurting WotC who’d get a small percentage of a small percentage of your sale. Couple of bucks at best is nothing to WotC’s bottom line.

But that’s your prerogative and that’s fine. However, I do suggest you play the game, cracked if you must because so far with about 20h in, it’s an amazing game from a great company. Maybe it won’t make you buy it, but at least it might make you consider supporting their other, or future, games that are not connected with WotC. Because the last few years we’re fast to point fingers to others, but forget to reward the few that do things properly.

TransplantedSconie, do gaming w Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of August 6th

BG3, this game is awesome!

macracanthorhynchus, do gaming w Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of August 6th

I’ve been playing little bits of Aven Colony, a straightforward and fun space-colony-themed city manager. However, mostly I’ve been watching my wife play Baldur’s Gate 3 and thinking "We should really buy another beefy gaming PC before Starfield launches so we can both play games simultaneously… "

totallynotsocsa, do gaming w Rant: Frustration Related to Ethics of Games Companies

I really thought this was going to be about gamergate and I was ready to just burn down the entire Internet


Sorry to concern you! If anything I’m on the complete opposite side of the gaming politics pendulum.

sub_, do gaming w Rant: Frustration Related to Ethics of Games Companies

it’s a complex issue, and it will probably end up dirty, since it’s business in the end.

I could understand why people would avoid buying Hogwarts Legacy, because how much the IP is tied to transphobic JK Rowling. But the devs on the other hand, they mostly don’t get the say on which IP to work on. I personally avoid games like that, because the same person has enough followers to keep spouting hate which could and have translated to real world bigotry and violence. And the game serves as marketing for people to follow JK Rowling.

Then there are companies with sexual harassments incidents. In that case, spreading the words and making enough noise so that some legal investigations or actions are taken, should be the way. Then there’s crunch and overwork issues, helping them to spread the word about union, not to cross the picket lines, etc.

There are many of those issues, because we didn’t address them earlier in the past few decades. But shedding the light on them and you feeling frustrated are good things, it means that we’re progressing, we’re identifying, feeling guilty, and trying to address them.

I’d say, be more conscious when purchasing games, maybe if you really really want to play Baldur’s Gate 3, then only buy it when there’s a steep discount? Nowadays I play a lot more indies and retro games, and probably would only buy a full price games once or twice a year. There’s large number of other good games out there, don’t be pressured to be FOMO, wait until there’s steep discount. And after waiting for awhile, sometimes you realize that you could just ignore the problematic game altogether.

Also, just because they are indies, don’t mean that they can’t be piece of shit. Main dev of Ion Fury is homophobic, Jonathan Blow of the Witness is misogynistic POS, Kovarex from Factorio dismissing statutory rape as SJW term


Thank you for your response. I also think it’s good that people are becoming more aware of these issues and doing what they can to address them.

I also think your point about FOMO is a good one; it becomes much less frustrating when I look at my backlog of games I’ve already purchased and have thousands of hours left to play. There will always be new games, and they won’t always be made by people that make me feel uncomfortable.

As others have stated, you make a good point about indie game devs. Jonathan Blow is one that my partner brings up regularly. I didn’t know about Ion Fury or Kovarex but that’s disappointing. It’s hard to keep track of it all, but when I find out about things like this, I’ll do my best to consider it when making future purchases.

LastOneStanding, do gaming w Rant: Frustration Related to Ethics of Games Companies


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  • wicked,

    You could make the same argument for voting. What does your little drop in the vote bucket matter? Do you believe voting is a waste of time too?

    CorInABox, do gaming w How much 5e do you have to know to enjoy Balders Gate 3? avatar

    It is also helpful to know that if you make any mistakes in you character build, you can respec your class and ability scores very early in the game for a fairly low price. The things that you cannot change are your origin, race or appearance, but these don't have such a great impact (unless you take the Dark Urge origin and find a bit too bloody for your tastes - in which case you have to start over)

    Personally, I never played DND but I did play a bunch of RPGs before (such as the Pathfinder games on PC) and I love checking out character build guides. The learning curve of BG3 was pretty smooth for me.


    I feel like someone generally familiar with RPGs will be fine with the basic mechanics of BG3. It’s my first exposure to the 5e rules - bonus moves, reactions, feats, etc - but they mostly make sense. I may not have combat as optimized as someone with tons of practice, but it works most of the time.

    Long term character building, though? When I was presented with class specializations at L3, with nothing to tell me about what they get at L4, 5, 6…those choices seemed completely arbitrary. Being able to respec on the cheap if you feel like you’ve made a mistake is nice reassurance.

    OTOH, making choices of specialization and feats without a long term plan, but entirely on the immediate circumstances and whim, feels a lot more like how I planned my IRL degree, job, home… So, immersion?

    Eccitaze, do gaming w How much 5e do you have to know to enjoy Balders Gate 3? avatar

    It’s very user friendly in terms of tooltips, and if you don’t make deliberately bad choices during level up (e.g. taking a feat that gives you a cantrip from the Wizard class… that scales off your INT score… while playing a Barbarian with 8 intelligence that can’t cast spells while raging) it’s fairly difficult to make an unplayably bad character.

    There’s a few cases where some general knowledge of D&D is helpful, such as knowing to never take True Strike because it’s literally worse than just attacking twice and having some knowledge of good builds is useful, since it helps guide what you take when you level up. That said, there’s also entire categories of actions in BG3 that don’t really have an equivalent rule in TTRPG 5e, such as weapon proficiency attacks, so online cookie cutter builds don’t capture the full extent of what you can do.


    To add to the true strike thing, it is for your next 2 attacks in BG3, so it’s actually not super amazingly awful


    I don’t think that’s true. It lasts two turns, but the description only says “the next attack”. And I think the reason it lasts two turns is because the first turn you cast it you’d have already used your action.

    plasticus, do gaming w Rant: Frustration Related to Ethics of Games Companies

    Larian studios seems great. I would like more companies to invest in / hire studios similar to Larian. Sure, WotC sucks. But I will vote with my dollars for them to work with Larian. Maybe it means in the future more gaming companies might look like Larian. Everybody has to draw their own line, though.

    Pseu, do gaming w What incremental games do you enjoy?

    Prosperous Universe is quite different from a typical incremental game, but it scratches the same itch for me. The game is very complex, and other players drive the economy, leading to some price/availability unpredictability that is interesting. Gotta keep your bases fueled, but you also want to wait for prices to rise or fall, and potentially use your ships to trade at other markets.

    It’s quite nonlinear in progression and there’s a lot of ways to expand.

    Molecular0079, do gaming w How much 5e do you have to know to enjoy Balders Gate 3?

    I haven’t played BG1 or BG2, but so far I haven’t felt that BG3 requires prior knowledge in order to understand the story. As for DND knowledge, the only things I know about the game are from the bits and pieces that I glean from watching Critical Role. BG3 is doing a wonderful job filling in the missing pieces of knowledge with really handy tooltips and descriptions of how everything works. If anything, it’s probably the most interesting primer to DND I’ve ever encountered.

    sandriver, do gaming w What incremental games do you enjoy?

    Anti-Idle: The Game is one of my all-time favourites. It’s got a ton of sub-games and some really interesting resource flows between them. And as per the title you can idle or not, but there are rewards for active play.

    sandriver, do gaming w Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of August 6th

    Continuing the PSO2:NGS grind. Leciel is extremely fun, just the right amount of tension and challenge, and constant novel boss “twists”. Yesterday we had a boss with breakable parts and a breakable bomb, as well as buffs to damage to breakable parts. The strat was to stagger him by breaking his legs then do a mad rush to break the bomb before it wiped the entire party.

    Beyond that, continuing my journey through .hack//IMOQ. It’s immediately clear how special this series is. Not just for being the seminal story about an imaginary game, and being fairly unique in actually looking at how people interact with games as a third place, and the queer potential of video games; but also for actually providing a playable version of the imaginary game. Including an MMO version of the MMO!

    I really want .hack to come back. Log Horizon rules, and I like the more heroic, legendary, and optimistic tone and theming, but there’s something really appealing at how realistic .hack is without being dark, gritty, or cynical. The sense of romance in the game’s backstory is great too. All this weird background fabric about genius programmers singlehandedly changing the course of the world, people overhwelmed by emotions; meanwhile the spotlight is on real people.

    jayrodtheoldbod, do gaming w Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of August 6th

    Transport Fever 2, because I can ride da choo choos

    It’s super chill and relaxing, you just have to ignore the rest of your empire falling into ruin

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