Thavron, do gaming w So... Let's talk about StarSector avatar

After a quick glance it also kinda looks like Cosmoteer!

HawlSera, do games w Disgaea fans: How does 4 compare to 1 and 2, doods?

Disgaea 4 has a worse story than D1 and 2, with Valvatorez being pretty much my least favorite of the Overlords (SARDINES! is not funny and never will be) but… is improved in every other way. Sadly it doesn’t carry over Disgaea 3’s “EVERYONE IS HERE!” policy in terms of the post-game/DLC, and neither does anything else…

I hope D8 comes back to that…

I miss Nisa and it’s not like she’s going to be in HD Neptunia anytime soon… not that I’d play HD Neptunia

Deceptichum, do games w Legend of Zelda avatar

Oracle of Seasons

Megaman_EXE, do gaming w Open world games, need recommendations

On the switch you have Skyrim (but I’m assuming you’ve played that)

But also there’s a couple games that could be worth looking into. I have no idea how well they play on the switch or if they would even be your cup of tea, but there’s Dragons Dogma(the first one) and also Outward. Again no idea how they play on switch but they’re both open world rpg type games.

If you’re up for something that is specifically all about exploring, you could try Outer wilds on the switch(this does not have combat FYI) but you get to explore a solar system and unravel a mystery.

soulsource, avatar

I would recommend to play Skyrim on PC though. Even if your computer is old, you should be able to get a much better experience from it than the Switch version.

I mean, I played it on the Xbox 360, and it worked like a charm. On an ancient three-core console with 256 MiB of RAM.

Then I wanted to replay it on the Switch, and was disappointed. There are a lot of physics glitches on the Switch, but what is worse is that the NPC pathfinding takes a lot longer on the Switch, such that NPCs move in nonsensical directions during combat, as they start to follow paths that they would have needed several seconds earlier. Instead of moving near the player to attack, they move near the position where the player had been some time ago. This is particularly bad on the overworld, but also noticeable in dungeons.

QuantumBamboo, do games w Legend of Zelda avatar

Link’s Awakening was my first game on my Gameboy, so will always have a special place in my heart! Ocarina was my first N64 game too, and it blew my mind! Nostalgia plays some part in how I feel about those games, but both are still solid games to this day.

BoTW and ToTK both managed to push the boundaries of gaming, and the sheer joy of discovery in both games makes them stand out. I do also love ALttP though, and in its own time it was just as revolutionary I reckon. I didn’t play it until the 2000s though.

goombakid, do games w Legend of Zelda

BotW and TotK for sure. Mainly for the exploration of Hyrule in two different forms. Visually appealing as well.

LttP would be 3rd. Story and gameplay was great.

Probably unpopular, but I loved WW as well. Soundtrack is wonderful to listen to.

kiku123, do gaming w A very timely "Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of April 7th"

Just finished playing Axiom Verge. Since I picked up a SteamDeck, I’m trying to play through my library. I’m trying to figure out which game in my library to tackle next between Blasphemous, Forager, or Spiritfarer.

Ava, do gaming w A very timely "Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of April 7th"

Been on a Cyberpunk 2077 binge for the last 2 weeks or so. I’m maybe 4-6 hours away from completing everything except the final main story mission. It’s been an absolute pleasure, I haven’t found myself wanting to come back to a singleplayer game in the same way for some time. I know the game had a rocky start, but having picked it up much later, it’s a welcome addition to my “would recommend” list of games for RPG-lovers.

heygooberman, do gaming w Open world games, need recommendations avatar

Might I recommend Romancing SaGa 3 and SaGa Scarlet Grace Ambitions? Both of these games involve non-linear, open world explorations. As for combat, they are turn-based, so I’m not sure if that’s what you would consider a “good” combat system. Also, unlike traditional RPGs, which use a point-based system to level up and gain new skills, SaGa games involve a “Spark” system, where new techniques are learned randomly or through use of an existing technique during battles.


What platforms are the games on?

heygooberman, avatar

I think RS3 is on Steam, PlayStation, Switch, and Xbox, while Scarlet Grace is on all those platforms except Xbox.


Can you link the game? I can run switch games but only light ones

heygooberman, avatar

Do you mean you want a link to the games for Nintendo Switch? If so, here they are:

Romancing SaGa 3

SaGa Scarlet Grace Ambitions



russjr08, do gaming w A very timely "Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of April 7th"

SnowRunner just went on sale, so I’ve just picked that up and am waiting on it to install :)

I also picked up No Man’s Sky, Turbo Golf Racing, and Deep Rock Galactic: Survivor and am having a great time with all of them!

isyasad, do games w Legend of Zelda avatar

Phantom Hourglass was my first but Spirit Tracks is my favorite. I actually really like the stylus DS controls (and it’s not even that bad using a mouse on an emulator either) but the main thing I like is the music and story. Music and story I would say are both better in Spirit Tracks than any other game in the series. It also is one of the few games in the series that you can really call a legend of Zelda. She’s there the whole time and the main story focuses on her character arc.
Just overall an amazing experience with some really dramatic moments, if I had to summarize what I like about it more than the other games in the series I’d say it’s the most “cinematic & dramatic”

ConstableJelly, do gaming w A very timely "Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of April 7th"

Marvel Midnight Suns. Disregarded it on announcement and launch because I wasn’t interested in the core card-based system. Played a little bit of Slay the Spire, which didn’t catch with me but did suggest I might actually be able to enjoy a card-based system with enough narrative context to keep me interested.

So far, so good. I just completed Act 1 (which prompted me to exclaim “that was only act 1??”) and I’m a little worried that I’m going to tire of the side missions soon and lose steam overall, but it hasn’t happened yet. The characters are fine enough, although they definitely give off MCU fanfic vibes (it’s jarring to me having a Peter Parker voiced by Yuri Lowenthal who is such a little remora sidekick in his characterization). The loop is pretty satisfying, if not a little clunky, and I wish the balance between doing battles and running around the abbey grounds leaned a little less on the abbey stuff.

But it’s a lot of fun and very addictive. I’m saddened that it performed poorly but I bear my part of the responsibility willingly.


which didn’t catch with me but did suggest I might actually be able to enjoy a card-based system with enough narrative context to keep me interested.

FYI, you can learn bits and pieces about Slay’s lore through the various events that come up. A pretty large chunk of lore comes up upon one particular respawn/new run.


That’s cool. I do enjoy lore, but more in an “explain it to me on YouTube” kind of way than an “uncover it organically through gameplay” way. I need characters, acts, and arcs to be immediately engaged.


I’m guessing maybe you don’t like detective games in which you have to uncover the plot yourself. I suppose it’s all about the method of presentation for me.


The most recent detective game I played (if it qualifies as such for you) was Paradise Killer, which surprisingly I enjoyed quite a bit. Again though, the lore has close ties to the interpersonal relationships of all the characters on the island.


I tried it and I just… couldn’t get into it… It’s sure incredibly stylish, though!

Jhogenbaum, do astronomy w After 30 years, I'm finally going to see a total solar eclipse. Also, Potato World is a thing.

For some reason the thing that was resounding in my head while reading was a loud “THIS GUY FUCKS!”

hagelslager, do gaming w A very timely "Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of April 7th"

Vampire Survivors on the Switch, Helldivers 2 and Final Fantasy XIV on the PC.

Poopfeast420, do gaming w A very timely "Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of April 7th" avatar

After all the trouble I had with Horizon Forbidden West for a couple of days (endless crashing), it’s been great since then. As if nothing ever happened. So, I’ve just been exploring, killing, and looting.

Then, I also started Dave the Diver. It’s a great game, even better than I thought it would be.

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