lowleveldata, do games w Xenoblade Chronicles X: Definitive Edition | Review Thread

can’t wait to finally play this

Ribbons, do games w Your all-time favorite game? Let's discuss the best options!

Into the Breach for sure. Extremely satisfying strategy gameplay with a ton a variety with the different teams/units, heaps of replayability especially after the content update from a couple years back, and it being a run based game is great for folks who only get an hour or two to play on any given day.

  • Tabi (ey/it)
fishy, do games w Your all-time favorite game? Let's discuss the best options!

I’m with you that my favorite changes with my mood but probably final fantasy tactics. Story is great, graphics have aged like wine, great variation in play styles, the death cries of my enemies will always play like music to me.

DonAntonioMagino, (edited ) do games w Your all-time favorite game? Let's discuss the best options! avatar

When it comes to nostalgia, my favourite game is a 90’s German demo of the DOS version of the original Command & Conquer.

„Jawohl, Sir!”; „Bestätigt!”.

The soldiers were still robots there, too, because of German law forbidding a realistic depiction of war.

The best game I’ve ever played is without a doubt Red Dead Redemption 2. I’ve never cried over a game, and with RDR2 I cried nearing the finale myself, then I cried again when I watched it being played in a let’s play series on YouTube. RDR2 is a masterpiece, plain and simple.

I’ve also never loved a fake horse as much as I’ve loved my RDR2 fake horse. Hell, I felt more attached to my horse in RDR2 than I’ve felt to 99% of characters in other games.

missingno, do games w Your all-time favorite game? Let's discuss the best options! avatar

Puyo Puyo 20th Anniversary. They took the best competitive puzzle game ever made and added a ton of goodies to make it the best package deal. 20 variant game modes, 24 character stories, a comprehensive set of tutorials, a devilish set of chain challenges, and a final challenge where you play against max level CPU while it's allowed to cheat.

It's a tragedy this game was never released in the west, and I can rant for hours about Sega has criminally neglected the series with the half-assed slop they put out now because they know that crossovers will sell better than the main series ever will.

Fubarberry, do games w Xenoblade Chronicles X: Definitive Edition | Review Thread avatar

Fantastic game, glad it’s finally getting updated and getting the cliffhanger ending resolved.

That said, the original XBX still looks extremely good (at least when emulated at modern resolutions). For an HD remaster I haven’t actually noticed any real visual improvements other than the character models being better.

HipsterTenZero, do games w Your all-time favorite game? Let's discuss the best options! avatar

do you like sportsball, but think it needs level ups, perks, and gear? no? Me neither. I absolutely loved Pyre though. When a game dev takes a risk on a weird mashup like 3v3 basketball + Fantasy RPGs + visual novels, it’s an easy way to score points with me. What really cemented this as my favorite was the characters and the emergent interactions that develop as part of your decisions during the Rites. No spoilers, but the game asks you to make hard decisions at every turn of the wheel, and that particular kind of tension and release is very unique in my experience. It’s one of the few games I’ve 100%'d to see every permutation of events.

Elevator7009sAlt, do games w My submission to the Road Trip Game Jam 2025

I am not sure if this qualifies for this community or not, but I think would be happy to have you if you have not posted on that instance yet.

kratoz29, do games w Xenoblade Chronicles X: Definitive Edition | Review Thread avatar

Another Wii U game getting good reviews?

Another proof that the Wii U failure was created by Nintendo themselves, at least it died to give us the Switch 😁

B0NK3RS, do games w Your all-time favorite game? Let's discuss the best options! avatar

Shenmue II

A revenge story set in 1980s Japan. Shenmue was excellent but Shenmue II is just another level in every way. For me it is the perfect combination of story, open world (which I don’t normally like nowadays) and fighting game. It’s quite a mixture of different genres but it works so well.

KITA, do games w Your all-time favorite game? Let's discuss the best options!

Dark Souls.

It fundamentally changed me as a person. All of the other fromsoft games are great but none of them really encapsulates the experience that is the first Dark Souls game.


You can’t say something like that without elaborating! How did it change you?


So I first played Dark Souls when I was 17. As a kid that was going into my senior year of high school, completely obsessed with games like Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 and Uncharted 2 - Dark Souls was such a drastic change in how you interacted with a game. No constant ADHD flick shots in a cod game, no mindless story based progression with a complete lack of difficulty.

Dark Souls taught me three things: Slow down, think critically, and never give up.

Looking back on it, it’s some real basic knowledge to impart on someone. But I feel like they apply to everything in life and nobody around me seems to think the same.

It kinda blows my mind when you look at YouTube and see the absurd amount of videos there are of people describing how dark souls made them a better person mentally. The game is clearly special in a way no other game is to a lot of people and not to mention it popularized a whole new genre.

If anyone reading this hasn’t tried Dark Souls or has tried it once and bounced off of it quickly. I really recommended giving it a(nother) shot.

ZephyrXero, do games w Your all-time favorite game? Let's discuss the best options!

My all-time favorites have been in place for many years now.

It’s a tie between Sonic 2 (Genesis) & Final Fantasy 6 (SNES).

They are two very different games that represent two different concepts in gaming. For Sonic it’s all about smooth, fun gameplay. With FF6 it’s all about the story and the experience of controlling an ensemble cast of characters. I can beat the first in under an hour, as while the latter usually takes 60+ hours. They’re like the yin and yang of videogames for me.

0p3r470r, do gaming w I'm doing my part (unfortunately)

I feel attacked

banarne, do games w Your all-time favorite game? Let's discuss the best options!

What about more older games?

Rollercoaster Tycoon series - played it a ton. Playing it right now with the OpenRCT2 version online with a friend. Its fun!

Max Payne? This was something special.

Pro Evolution Soccer - the old ones (4/5/6)

blomvik, do games w Your all-time favorite game? Let's discuss the best options!

Gothic 2, Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines, GTA: San Andreas and Arcanum are for og ny favourite games that are a bit too flawed to be all time favourite.

Final Fantasy 6 and 7 were so good, but I can’t play them alone, we used to pass along the controller.

I love point and clicks like Grim Fandango and Monkey island.

I played Planescape: Torment in 2006 and it left such an impression on me.

Of never games there’s Disco Elysium and The Obra Dim.

Not to mention Zelda’s, Illusion of Time, the Mana series, Mario’s, the old Blizzard games, Brotherbound games and other amiga games. Quake…

Maybe Day of the Tentacle?

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