Jak wygląda bilans zasilania na tym panelu i akumulatorze przez ten czas, który już jedziesz ?
Bo skoro w zasadzie pracujesz, to zakładam, że laptop musi kilka godzin dziennie być na chodzie.
Nie mam narzędzi do pomiaru, kontroler ładowania też nie podaje mi wartości ile energii "wepchnął" do akumulatora. To moje kolejne zakupy. Na razie wiem "organoleptycznie", że z aku 7Ah brakowało na swobodne doładowywanie się na laptopie w pochmurny dzień tylko telefony i tablet. Kupiłem wczoraj nowy aku 18Ah i zobaczę, jak bardzo się poprawi komfort ładowania lapków.
I also enjoyed it far less than I wanted to. Re: Your 2nd point : I find this really funny as I just started a sorc the other day and one my first reactions was how terrible the spell animations look for a modern game. I’ve been tempted to re-install Diablo 3 just to compare them, as I remember them being much better.
I finished the campaign as a Druid and am now tinkering with the other classes, so nowhere near endgame, all my feedback is just from the above.
The writing is bad, laughably bad. Not like, bad grammar or sloppy prose bad but just like…written by a really edgy teenager and then heavily edited by adults who weren’t allowed to change any of the actual plot points bad? There were some good ideas (trying to avoid spoilers), but (for me) none of them ever went anywhere. And there were so many just…dumb/silly things…nevermind all the cutscenes rendered with the games engine that look laughably bad/amateur compared to Blizzard games like…what is going on with those??
D3 items were a hot mess of garbage compared to D2 and I think these might be a tiny bit better, but still seem overly messy and the mod pool is too big. I also don’t think I found a “real” unique yet? They all seem like RNG trash just there for the aspects to be extracted? I could be wrong here, maybe the real uniques come later but if so that’s (more) bad design imho.
frequent lag
agree on the automap. Quest interface also seems poorly designed and very frustrating to use.
the whole thing feels aggressively like a console game ported to PC, not vice versa. I strongly dislike that in my PC games.
FWIW, I’m enjoying playing my sorc more than the druid, but we’ll see. By the last 2 acts, I could close my eyes and hold two buttons and kill any of the bosses (except the last boss where you have move 3-4 times).
algitht than if you like a nicely structured story than stay away its purposely confusing to “portray a certain type of mental illness”, which i call bullhog on, a confusing mess is a confusing mess
combat i find too slow the game is generally boring to actually play
like it wanted to be an art project so bad bad just had to attach a game to it
Dreamfall: The Longest Journey. After playing it for a while I couldn’t stop until I reached the end. It looks aged now but controls are generally nice and the story is amazing. And I think the character feels feminine, it’s not just a neutral character with a female skin.
That is a good game, agree. My one complaint is that there’re a few moments of drive-by transphobia in it. And some puzzles are obtuse or require items that can be missed, but a quick google solves that frustration easily if need be.