Comic Piracy is Easy, Just Different. angielski
MaM and Geek and some other sites post a weekly 0-Day dump from the comic usenet boards....
Baldur's Gate 3 is a 122GB download and you can't preload any of it ( angielski
Larian has finally confirmed that preloading won't be available, apparently because of a limitation with Steam.
I’ve got some raw BD files. What tools can I use to convert them into a more familiar format? angielski
So I’ve got a rip of the Japanese Blu Ray of Evangelion, and I’d like to turn it from a jumble of numbered .mts files into something more useable. How do I get started going about that process? As an example, if I download a raw CD rip, I can use cuetools to turn it into a list of .flac tracks ready for listening. Is there...
Baldur’s Gate 3 on Xbox Series: Larian Studios says not this year ( angielski
Larian Studios has suggested that Baldur's Gate 3 won't be out on Xbox Series X/S until 2024 despite previously saying they planned to have it this year.
Mortal Kombat 1 will have 24 fighters at launch ( angielski
There is less time left to enjoy Mortal Kombat 1 , the new installment of the mythical fighting saga that will arrive on September 19 . As always, one of the
The creators of Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty promise more fixes on the PC version ( angielski
Masakazu Hirayama, director and producer of Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty , has apologized for the optimization issues that the PC version of the soulslike action
Splitting the Web ( angielski
There’s an increasing chasm dividing the modern web. On one side, the commercial, monopolies-riddled, media-adored web. A web which has only one objective: making us click. It measures clicks optimise clicks, generates clicks. It gathers as much information as it could about us and spams every second of our life with ads,...
Need to Repair an Xbox Controller? Microsoft Will Sell You the Parts ( angielski
There are official videos and guides to help you perform a repair at home.
Cassandra Classic in a medieval robe ( angielski
Kacperczyk - Pokolenie Końca Świata [pop] (
Putin Outlaws Anonymity: Identity Verification For Online Services, VPN Bypass Advice a Crime * TorrentFreak ( angielski
My EDC currently. 3D printed pocket organizer and wallet that I made myself. ( angielski
Leather wallet...
Activision has misplaced its Transformer games, says Hasbro ( angielski
This is where the argument that piracy is also preserving games stands up. Although, it begs the question why games developers do not properly archive their software.
Debiutanci ’23 - portret polek i polaków, którzy jesienią 2023 r. będą mogli po raz pierwszy wziąć udział w wyborach (
Wzmocnienie pozycji związkowców i osób chronionych - Wolnelewo (
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Lewica "przegrzała", Konfederacja kusi młode kobiety. "Szukają normalności" (
Dobijająca analiza syndromu sztokholmskiego. Cóż, są ludzie i parapety.
Xbox Is Suspending Players Caught Using Emulators ( angielski
It looks like Microsoft is cracking down hard for those found using emulators on the Xbox console lineup.
Kobieta zrywa antynacjonalistyczne wlepki, bo myśli, że to nacjonalistyczne wlepki (
Nienawiść do nacjonalizmu widać jest spora w polskim narodzie. (:
What do you specialize in pirating? angielski
What is your primary media that you pirate?...
Deleted angielski
Randy Random in a medieval outfit ( angielski
Critically Acclaimed PlayStation Exclusive Struggling on PC (
Ordo Iuris i kto jeszcze? #szariateuropy | gilotynaTV (
Ani sprawiedliwość, ani naprawcza - o ksenofobii po poznańsku (
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