– W pewnym momencie Donald, który widział, ile jest sporów, stwierdził, że jeśli przez kłótnie damy ciała w kilku najbliższych wyborach, to do władzy wróci PiS, a wszyscy obecni na tej sali, pójdą siedzieć – powiedział Onetowi jeden z członków władz Platformy....
Though similar to Constellation in principle, leaning heavily on the concept of the observer effect and covering the possibility of a multiverse reality, the series will still be different. Dark Matter promises to appeal more to action fans, as the main character will have to fight the villain, even if that villain is just...
Arcadian, director Benjamin Brewer, along with writer Mike Nilon, ambitiously attempts to navigate the tumultuous waters of a post-apocalyptic narrative
CS:GO was never meant to become as big as it did. It was the last gasp of a dying franchise filled with cheaters and built on a broken, outdated engine and yet it became the most important and enduring shooter in the history of modern esports. So in this documentary, we will celebrate and take one final, nostalgic look back at...
Ancora Holdings, an investment group, is looking to instil a new set of directors, citing safety issues and higher operating ratio (railroad investor speak for lower profit profit margin). The labour union AFL-CIO Transportation Trades Dept. president Greg Regan has put out a statement against this takeover attempt, citing these...