The reason we stay in school, pursue advanced degrees, merge and acquire competitors is to increase market power. The former two are celebrated by society, the latter two often derided negatively as anticompetitive and made subject to regulatory and judicial punishment.
The big buzz and bigger controversy around Texas during the past several years has been a proposal by a company called Texas Central to build and operate a high-speed rail line between Downtown Dallas and a point in the Houston area, about eight miles from downtown Houston where two highways intersect, a great spot for a parking...
Wybory wygrywa partia liberalna “Demokraci”. Na drugim miejscu populistyczna partia propagującą zbliżenie z USA. Rządzący do tej pory socjaldemokraci dopiero na 3 miejscu
In a 28 February POLSA update, the agency confirmed that the information regarding the uncontrolled re-entry of the Falcon 9 second stage had been sent to the wrong email addresses at the Ministry of National Defence....
Gdyby ktoś wątpił w to, co jakiś czas temu tu napisałam, czyli w fakt, że USA (ale i Europa) potajemnie kupuje surowce wożone przez tzw flotę cieni. Tu macie kolejne potwierdzenie, oczywiście nie wprost....
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