Threads won’t be fun — but it will give brands a refuge from Twitter ( angielski
Threads offers brands and celebrities a Twitter alternative with deep ties to Instagram, an app that isn't fun either.

Threads offers brands and celebrities a Twitter alternative with deep ties to Instagram, an app that isn't fun either.
To będzie smutny post…...
Shantae Advance: Risky Revolution is back in development after nearly 20 years! This lost Shantae sequel fills in the gaps between the original Shantae (2002...
Trend sondażowy jest jednoznaczny, a arytmetyka nieubłagana: bez ugrupowania Sławomira Mentzena i Krzysztofa Bosaka ani opozycja, ani PiS, rządzić po wyborach nie dadzą rady. Z nimi tym bardziej.
A couple of weeks ago, @shazbot made this post about a project that they were working on. Since then, @shazbot, @ori, @minnieo and I have been hard at work, and we are excited to finally announce the official release of kbin Enhancement Suite (KES)!...
Wolność oznacza, że nie można mi, i ja komuś czegoś narzucać....
Playing Video Games As A Child Might Make You Smarter, Even Years After You Stop Playing
Developed by Digital Eclipse, the team behind the excellent Atari 50 collection.
During Threads' first two days online, Twitter traffic dropped by 5 percent compared to the same two days in the prior week, web analytics firm SimilarWeb reported. When measuring year over year, Twitter's traffic dropped by 11 percent.
the judge has decided to deny the FTC’s preliminary injunction request. In a ruling submitted today, Judge Corley said the following:...
Closed beta begins August 2