Women drive fast train to Mecca as Saudi workforce evolves (youtu.be) angielski
The train is Spanish Talgo 350 SRO with an operating speed of 300 km/h
The train is Spanish Talgo 350 SRO with an operating speed of 300 km/h
W rosyjskich mediach pojawił się komunikat o rzekomym zatrzymaniu polskiego szpiega, który miał przekazywać polskim służbom tajne informacje. Poinformowała o tym Federalna Służba Bezpieczeństwa....
In an unexpected turn, 2023 marked the first time since 2012 that video games were not the leading form of digital entertainment in the UK.
‘I regret having to share that we are taking the painful step to reduce our headcount by just over 500 people across Twitch’
"The Last of Us" Season 2 has officially cast Kaitlyn Dever, Variety has learned.
Cult of the Lamb’s next free update is preparing to slither into our dimension - Sins of the Flesh is the biggest, darkest expansion yet, and arrives on January 16.
Big power, weird motor...
When you're in the All Content view, the arrows on the page select always act as if you're on page 1. I.e., the left arrow never works, and the right arrow always sends you to page 2. Not sure why this is.
Po raz pierwszy od 1994 r. Microsoft zmodyfikował swój standardowy układ klawiatury, dokładając dodatkowy przycisk. Nowy klawisz wywołał asystenta AI Microsoftu — Copilot.
I'd like to chat and hang out with you folks in real time. Do we have an official or unofficial discord server?
Enemy Mine (1985)...
Ciężko mi ocenić, na ile to mądre, ale ciekawie przeczytać kontrapunkt do czegoś, z czym intuicyjnie się zgadzam.
I’m happy to adopt a new podcast app if it has sponsorblock natively or through a plug-in. Otherwise let me know if there’s some other way to make it work. I don’t see why it wouldn’t work as all of the segments tagged for skipping are crowdsourced which would also work for Podcasts.