Holenderski sąd skazał w środę trzech Polaków za zabójstwo na zlecenie dziennikarza śledczego Petera De Vriesa - poinformował państwowy nadawca NOS. Mężczyźni otrzymali kary od 14 do 28 lat więzienia. Peter De Vries został zaatakowany w lipcu 2021 roku, gdy wychodził ze studia telewizyjnego.
Roughly a year ago, astronomers announced that they had observed an object that shouldn’t exist. Like a pulsar, it emitted regularly timed bursts of radio emissions. But unlike a pulsar, those bursts were separated by over 20 minutes. If the 22-minute gap between bursts represents the rotation period of the object, then it is...
Been getting a lot of 404s in Federation and blank icons here in Kbin for pictures uploaded here on Kbin. Didn't have this problem until a couple of days ago. Is this a known issue? Any workaround to this?
I watched it in theaters yesterday and enjoyed it! Beautiful post-apocalyptic imagery, decent writing, great digital graphics, great story boarding. I’m always excited for sci fi epics and this scratched that itch....
Just how long will we have to wait to meet the San-Ti? '3 Body Problem' is jumping to the future in Season 2 and maybe Season 3. But how long will that take in real life?
Hi all. I have decided to shut down the unofficial kbin guide magazine (https://kbin.social/m/unofficial_kbin_guide) as well as shut down the unofficial docs page: https://unofficial-kbin-guide.surge.sh/....
Hi all. I have decided to shut down the unofficial kbin guide magazine (https://kbin.social/m/unofficial_kbin_guide) as well as shut down the unofficial docs page: https://unofficial-kbin-guide.surge.sh/....