Squabblr (formerly known as Squabbles) has released a Wordle-Style Game. (battle.squabblr.co) angielski
Pick a word and share with your friends and family to guess!
Pick a word and share with your friends and family to guess!
NATO wydało komunikat w którym zapowiedziało zawieszenie Traktatu o konwencjonalnych siłach zbrojnych w Europie (CFE)....
cross-postowane z: szmer.info/post/1305137...
In 1999, an experimental Japanese artist released a horror point and click adventure game that was completely different from its contemporaries. Due to external forces beyond his control, the game was left in utter obscurity and was considered to be lost for many years. A decade later, forum users across the internet sought to...
cross-postowane z: szmer.info/post/1303892...
The company behind Fortnite is currently in a legal fight against Google over in-app fees
Science fiction novels and movies are packed with far-out ideas, most often as the springboard for an action-packed adventure rather than a serious attempt to predict future trends in science or technology. Some of the most common tropes, such as accelerating a spacecraft to fantastic speeds in a matter of seconds without...
"Przedłużanie fikcji niepewności zmiany władzy jednych niepokoi, mnie raczej nuży. Ale w dzisiejszym orędziu Dudy widzę też coś pocieszającego."...
Seirdy próbuje odnaleźć i zrecenzować wszystkie wyszukiwarki internetowe i ich indeksy.
Są jakieś ukryte opłaty? Polecacie?
Drodzy Rodacy, Szanowni Państwo!...