Cold Blue - Live at Transmission Poland 2023 ( angielski
What an epic experience! Thank you Poland, Euforia Events and Transmission, much love!...
What an epic experience! Thank you Poland, Euforia Events and Transmission, much love!...
Ogniwa litowo-siarkowe mogą dostarczyć kilka razy więcej energii w tej samej objętości co litowo-jonowe. To szansa także dla środowiska
Win 365 Coca-Cola cans only for Germany People can get them!
Pewien amerykański pułkownik powiedział kiedyś o Afganistanie: "Im więcej cywilów zabijemy, tym bardziej pewne jest, że przegramy wojnę". Dziś dotyczy to także Izraela....
How do you pour a beer? Turns out this popular pouring method — that results in little to no foam — is completely wrong. And can actually cause stomach issue......
“What if 2048 had a physics engine” is one of the stupidest elevator pitches ever. And yet.
Nintendo has (finally) confirmed it
Evening all, welcome back to your every other daily dose of sadness. Today's cut content showcase is a little more subtle and to be honest, not too devastate......
Israel’s prime minister is ill-equipped for war and peace...
This update adds additional user account visibility options and improves the process of deleting user accounts and magazines for the instance administrator. It also introduces private user accounts and magazines similar to options known from Mastodon....
Counter-Strike 2 has received a much-needed update with the arrival of custom maps.