Vernor Vinge, Innovative Science Fiction Novelist, Dies at 79 ( angielski
He conceived an early version of cyberspace and predicted the “technological singularity,” a tipping point at which machines would become smarter than humans.

He conceived an early version of cyberspace and predicted the “technological singularity,” a tipping point at which machines would become smarter than humans.
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Netflix's new sci-fi show 3 Body Problem has had its fair share of positive reviews, but now it's got the seal of approval from The Last Jedi director Rian Johnson....
Podczas rozmowy z PC Gamer David Gaider ze studia Summerfall opowiedział o swoim podejściu do obecnej sytuacji w branży gier.
Scarfolk is a town in North West England that did not progress beyond 1979. Instead, the entire decade of the 1970s loops ad infinitum. Here in Scarfolk, pagan rituals blend seamlessly with science; hauntology is a compulsory subject at school, and everyone must be in bed by 8pm because they are perpetually running a slight...
Fildena 100, a medicine essentially used to treat erectile brokenness, contains sildenafil citrate as its dynamic fixing. It's crucial for practice alert while utilizing Fildena with different drugs because of potential collaborations that could prompt unfriendly impacts....
From the far-flung reaches of space to epic magical worlds, these novels, novellas, and comics are the best Hugo award winners to read.
The Shimmer in Annihilation may have been sent to Earth to root out the shapeshifting alien from The Thing, disrupting its replication....
Pustki w sercach nie da się do końca zapełnić, ale spróbować można. Na Disney+ pojawiło się anime Sandland od Akiry Toriyamy!
Wczoraj Bungie zorganizowało stream Into the Light, mający graczom umilić czekanie na premierę dodatku do Destiny 2. Jak wypadło? Cóż…
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At 92 years old, William Shatner is opening up about his biggest regret. He took responsibility for "Star Trek V: The Final Frontier" flopping with critics, as he starred and directed.
History repeats itself in this ingenious but surprisingly heartfelt sci-fi, which takes the premise of Groundhog Day and fashions from it a poignant statement about life and mortality. Refreshingly for the genre, it focuses on a middle-aged woman - a scientist-slash-physicist, even - whose 55th birthday and final breath will...
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