Ryszard Kalisz, znany adwokat i były minister prezydenta Aleksandra Kwaśniewskiego, może wrócić do polityki. Jak ustalili reporterzy RMF FM, Kalisz jest blisko startu w wyborach do Senatu. To jedna ze spornych decyzji, które rozstrzygnąć mają liderzy partii opozycyjnych.
A couple of weeks ago, @shazbot made this post about a project that they were working on. Since then, @shazbot, @ori, @minnieo and I have been hard at work, and we are excited to finally announce the official release of kbin Enhancement Suite (KES)!...
I wrote the first line of code for /kbin on January 14, 2021. Around this time, I started working remotely and decided that the time I used to spend commuting to the office would be devoted to /kbin. Throughout this entire period, /kbin has been a hobby project that I developed in my free time. It was also when Lemmy started...