eddanja, rok temu (edited rok temu) do games w Tales of Arise - Beyond the Dawn releases 9th November, 2023. angielski By chance, they encounter the enigmatic Nazamil, a powerful young girl who is the daughter of a Renan lord and a Dahnan slave. WARNING MASSIVE SPOILERS!! I’m confused because weren’t >!Renans actually those creatures found on Rena and not the “lords” we thought they were?!<
By chance, they encounter the enigmatic Nazamil, a powerful young girl who is the daughter of a Renan lord and a Dahnan slave.
I’m confused because weren’t >!Renans actually those creatures found on Rena and not the “lords” we thought they were?!<
echo64, rok temu angielski fwiw, spoilers don’t work that way lemmy.world/post/498805?scrollToComments=true
fwiw, spoilers don’t work that way lemmy.world/post/498805?scrollToComments=true
eddanja, rok temu angielski Thanks. I used to the button on Sync. Might have to file a bug.
Thanks. I used to the button on Sync. Might have to file a bug.
sploosh, rok temu do games w ARMORED CORE VI FIRES OF RUBICON - Patch Notes 1.02 angielski Don’t worry, you’ll get to fight it again in NG+.
Don’t worry, you’ll get to fight it again in NG+.
amicah, rok temu do games w ARMORED CORE VI FIRES OF RUBICON - Patch Notes 1.02 angielski This patch came out like an hour after I bet Ibis, I wonder how different the fight would've been now.
This patch came out like an hour after I bet Ibis, I wonder how different the fight would've been now.
CheeseNoodle, rok temu angielski I did my second playthrough against Ibis after the patch and its no different as far as I can tell.
I did my second playthrough against Ibis after the patch and its no different as far as I can tell.
NOPper, rok temu do games w ARMORED CORE VI FIRES OF RUBICON - Patch Notes 1.02 angielski Honestly…I love everything about this.
Honestly…I love everything about this.
Mana, rok temu do games w ARMORED CORE VI FIRES OF RUBICON - Patch Notes 1.02 angielski Is it in VR?
Is it in VR?
hal_5700X, rok temu angielski No.