K.Harris na prezydenta - wątek
Część, co myślicie o nominowaniu K.Harris do wyścigu prezydenckiego i o otaczającej to wydarzenie propagandzie?
Część, co myślicie o nominowaniu K.Harris do wyścigu prezydenckiego i o otaczającej to wydarzenie propagandzie?
Hej. Czy polecacie jakąś apke do monitorowania czasu spędzanego w internecie na smartfonie? Darmową i prostą:)
Na pytanie, czy KO wstrzyma się od głosu, Borys Budka odpowiedział krótko: — Tak. Jak dodał, “taka zapadła decyzja”....
hello, id like to draw on the collective mind of others....
I have a large audible library I would like to backup and make available for other audiobook apps that use less battery. I’d like to maintain as much information and structure as possible. I saw a self hosted solution for audiobooks I might try to implement as well....
I have started encoding, but have now gotten to making videos where multiple video streams need to be combined from a bluray source, into one video file - Does anyone know any programs for this, or any in depth guides on Remuxing / etc?
Hey fellow saltdogs! :D...
I’ve only got a couple of categories, one for sonarr, prowlarr (for some reason), and Games. They each have their save path set and thus I would expect any torrent added under the Games category would be saved in the path set for that category. But they’re not, they’re dumped in the default save path making that folder a...
I downloaded the installer from cmacked.com, and cleanmymac almost immediately recognized it as malware....
Hello Guys, i couldn´t find a book through the usual big sites, where can i ask for sources on a specific book ?
Hey so I bought Stellaris on Steam because it was on sale and I want to play multiplayer. I want to get the DLCs but I don’t want to spend over $200 on it....
For maintenance…this sucks.
Once upon a time, we could unlock all cosmetic items just by playing the game we paid for....
Is it save to use identifying information (credit card, PayPal) for paying a Usenet provider? I’m especially interested in thecubenet.com and easynews. Have there been any incidents where someone got into trouble for downloading copyright protected content from a provider?...
Problem jest nie tylko ciekawy, ale warty nagłaśniania. Ogromna część ubrań które nosimy, jest produkowana w biednych krajach, gdzie pracownicy zarabiają grosze, ubrania w produkcji kosztują tyle co nic, jednak dzięki metce i znanej marce ich cena w sklepach jest wysoka....
Hej, ostatnio myślałem nad lemmym i stwierdziłem że brakuje mi w nim funkcji, która jest powszechna w platformach typu reddit. Tą funkcją jest łatwość znalezienia informacji. Jeżeli np. szukam odpowiedzi na jakieś pytanie to po wpisaniu go do wyszukiwarki, to pierwsze parę wyników pochodzi z centralizowanych stron...
Im getting back to dowloading Linux distros for the first time in over a decade…man have the times changed. I’m running qBittorrent with all the major repos including Jackett…but everything is downloading
I’m putting this together because I posted a while ago about using IRC to acquire ebooks on Reddit, and there was a metric shit ton of interest from others in learning how to do it. Much of this info is available on the net, but it can be difficult to track down if you don’t know exactly what to look for....
Proszę o wytłumaczenie jaki praktyczny cel jest w tym, żeby odliczać podatek od darowizn....
I’ve been playing more #FZero99 (just made it to A- rank, best finish is 6th so far)....
Threat was detected with Adguard DNS filter and in URL Void...
I’ve tried every web on the megathread to download modded mobile games but for some reason it doesn’t matter where do I download from they just crash. For example, I have downloaded a game from revdl and it works perfectly, but if I download the same exact version but modded it crashes. Maybe it has to do with MIUI? I have...