Locomotive EF6418 in Ekimae Jinroku Park, Yamanishi, Japan angielski
About halfway between Tokyo and Nagano....
About halfway between Tokyo and Nagano....
Photoshop filter not included...
Poleci ktoś coś?
Cześć, od jakiegoś czasu rozważam zakup środków do samoobrony, ale większość ze stron internetowych oferujących tego typu produkty mnie odstręcza. Albo są to jakieś sklepy łowieckie, albo jakieś dla miłośników broni palnej, na jednej nawet sprzedawali naszywki z czarnym słońcem… Więc nie chcę, aby...
Czy ktoś tutaj należy do spółdzielni rolniczej lub zna się na tym temacie? Interesuje mnie kwestia czy można zrobić tak, że 10 rolników bez ziemi zakłada spółdzielnię a następnie kupuje ziemię rolną jako spółdzielnia. Tak żeby ziemia była wspólną własnością. Chodzi mi o samą kwestię własności ziemi,...
zbiorczy bo ciekawe ale za dużo spamu...
havent played in years but a friend told me so i was wondering how much has changed? for example, is bullet sponging gone and is it as customisable as the mods now
Game Information...
What I found are mostly IGG released.
I see DARKSiDERS releases on PreDB, but I’ve never heard one of those scene groups. Does anyone remember this scene group?
Hello, I would like some info about VPN usage at private trackers. I know it is a per-tracker policy but I notice many being a bit hostile toward em....
I have read that depending on the filters you have in uBlock, extensions like Skip Redirect are redundant, how true is this? And in theory, which filters should I activate for uBlock to perform the Skip Redirect function?...
Hi guys, Is there any live TV apk for Chromecast with Google TV where I can watch live sports?...
Hi! I’ve installed Stremio on the ISP-provided AndroidTV “decoder” and it allows my family to watch shows while still having access to live TV. However, I am not aware of any option to watch live sports (“Ligue 1” in France) with as good an interface as Stremio, so my father has to watch it on his computer by finding a...
Looking for one episode two of the chosen season 3 by angel studios to complete my season downloads. Does anyone have a link?
I tried a torrent of photoshop 25 beta but it wouldn’t installed. I also did some looking up and heard that it currently doesn’t work on torrented copies on macOS, only on Windows and with GenP.
Hej, poleci ktoś jakieś fajne magazyny, strony i blogi z niezłym dziennikarstwem. Szukam zarówno sprawdzonych newsów, ale spoko by było coś z dziedziny FOSS albo biologii. A i szukam źródeł po polskiemu, bo po ingliszu mam już nadmiar
Hi fellow people! I want to download & save a huge set of small videos (20min each) for a swimming course I paid for and they don’t let me download , and this is driving me crazy....
Looking for a clean unmodded apk for Monument Valley as I don’t feel like paying again for the android version
I wanted to download a book that is no longer in print, but I discovered LibGen is down on the .onion and on the .fun domain, the .rs domain gives some scary warning message from my router about child pornography. What happened, is my dear LibGen gone?
Dear fellow pirates , for me downloading movies is the easy part but downloading games like portal 2 and inscryption which have native support but i still have to look for repacks from fitgirl and dodi because i think they are safe...
Is it considered acceptable to repost movies or TV shows from Usenet that are not available on any open torrent tracker? Obviously, the reposted content will be left unchanged and will have the exact filename as originally uploaded by the initial uploader.