Zamieszki pomiędzy hindusami i muzułmanami w Indiach (
I understand that sharing video, photos, documents etc. is relatively safe because the data is not executed in the processor as instructions. How come people are willing to download and install pirated software though? How can one be confident that it does not contain malicious addons? Are people just don’t know the risks? Or...
"Never borrow this guy's stick."
I’m a very casual sailor, and not very tech savvy, but I’ve torrented and used magnet links in the past with no issues....
Dobijająca analiza syndromu sztokholmskiego. Cóż, są ludzie i parapety.
Now you may be thinking; “That chat program is still around?” or “What the heck is a eye-arr-see?”...
Okay I’m fully aware of how ridiculous this sounds in 2023, but bare with me....
Game Boy Color classics Oracle of Ages and Seasons come to Switch Online
[Wydawnictwo 3DOM Tomasza Grzegorza Stali] W 2021 r. wypuściło „Dzienniki Turnera” Andrew MacDonalda. Książka przedstawia perypetie grupy terrorystów, która doprowadza do obalenia rządu USA, wojny nuklearnej oraz eksterminacji czarnoskórych i Żydów. Znajdują się w niej instrukcje sporządzania materiałów...
Feed the fire. Let the last cinders burn.Pre-order #ARMOREDCORE VI : https://armoredcore6.comStart your mission on August 25th, 2023 on PlayStation, Xbox, an...
Gdyby połączyć wszystkie kable podmorskie przez firmy francuskie i firmy amerykańskie to sięgnęły by Księżyca… 3 razy.
Developers from Ubisoft Massive and their compatriots over at LucasFilm shared a number of new details today with IGN at San Diego Comic-Con regarding Star Wars: Outlaws and the two locations revealed for the game thus far: the new moon Toshara, and Tatooine. Including, yes, that you can both work for and betray (if you want)...
Zapraszamy sąsiadów (i nie tylko!) do starej piekarni przy ul. Kamionkowskiej 50 w niedzielę od godziny 17:00....
What does blocking on kbin actually do? I’m asking because it seems incomplete, to put it mildly. If you block someone, they can still see what you post and reply to you and you’re still sent notifications of their replies, even though you can’t see the comment itself (or any replies other people make to comments of an...
"621…I’ll give you a reason to exist. Let’s get to work."ARMORED CORE VI FIRES OF RUBICON engages the enemy on August 25, 2023.
I’m devastated! Holy fuck it’s the end of such a great resource. Is there any other plex share communities active at all?