Jest skarga do Komisji Europejskiej za homofobię TVP. „To ściek, który zatruwa ludziom życia” (

A malicious law enformement officer or a criminal can exploit copyright laws to prevent criminal activities to be posted on mainstream platforms. Read the article for a real life example....
A fan-favourite Need for Speed remake is accidentally confirmed early, it appears.
I recently got into the piracy community, and discovered a great open source app for Android that allows you to stream music for free from YouTube music! It’s called ViMusic and it’s one of the best free music apps imo. It has a beautiful and customizable interface and it actually has a music recommendation algorithm which...
Developed by Digital Eclipse, the team behind the excellent Atari 50 collection.
During Threads' first two days online, Twitter traffic dropped by 5 percent compared to the same two days in the prior week, web analytics firm SimilarWeb reported. When measuring year over year, Twitter's traffic dropped by 11 percent.
Niezwykłe osiągnięcie Igi fokonała tego po raz pierwszy, awans #Wimbledon do ćwierćfinału.
the judge has decided to deny the FTC’s preliminary injunction request. In a ruling submitted today, Judge Corley said the following:...
Closed beta begins August 2