With the Milwaukee, you hold a button and flick your wrist to open/ close it. makes it easy to use with one hand. any knives with a regular blade that do this? thanks...
Having been forceably removed from the workforce I have been, as the godly call, blessed to become a Gentleman of Leisure. These are the indispensable tools of someone very hardily doing nothing that the capitalist class can find a way to make shilling from....
viperade ve18, zebra 701, Milwaukee fastback 6 in 1, guaze pad, bandaids, lightning write for iphone (not pictured) 3x5 cards, spare hook blade and mints. Working on making it better
I wear hayanwa “fast rope” bracelets every day, so I made them in different colors to coordinate with my outfits. These bracelets allow 6 yards of 95 Paracord to be quickly and easily deployed with a simple tug....