I’m loving this game. If you want, here’s the longer version of that answer. 😀 my wife has also become hooked and is playing it on her Switch.
Apart from the DeLorean, I wonder what else they’re could be? Biff’s 1955 car, the Toyota pickup truck, the Libyans VW camper van or maybe some locations? Looking forward to it.
The mods were fantastic. One that always sticks in my mind was Quake Rally. I think you controlled a car and drove it through the standard levels or some new maps, I can’t remember, it’s been so long.
I presume the Linux version is the same (I used the Windows version) but WiiUDownloader gives you a lovely graphical interface to download anything from the WiiU eShop servers. Even copies files straight to an SD card ready to install on your WiiU.
This is amazing. I think I watched this live at the time. I’ll always remember the “based on famous battles” line followed by footage of soldiers fighting a giant crab!
Recently I completed Crossing Souls. It’s a game overloaded with 80s nostalgia. The soundtrack is from two composers. The first has 80s synth tracks while the other providers John Williams / Amblin like scores as the story of a group of young friends and feels like a movie from that time.