If their game was that good, we would read about it up and down the net. The fact that I read about it here for the first time tells a different story.
I’m using a software that sometimes throws an info requester when loading a project. And this requester can occasionally end up in the background, depending on what I am just doing. The other requester “Loading Project XYZ” meanwhile stays in the foreground and does not proceed, as it waits for the other requester to come back with an OK.
As someone who grew up with block graphic games and sprites on a 320x240 pixel screen in 16 colors, this looks impressive. Not my kind of game or genre, but still well done.
Two games on the C64: “The Castles of Dr. Creep” and “Elite”. The first was a jump-and-run platform game with incredibly simple and lowres graphics, but perfect for two cooperating players. The second was the absolute classic space game by Braben and Bell.