I know pawns will learn the best way to fight a monster by being shown by you, have another pawn show them, or knowledge scrolls you can use on your pawn. You can check their knowledge on a monster and it ranges from 1 to 3 stars.
I will end up on a sorcerer and my pawn will end up a mage for healing. And I will hire fighter and ranger pawns then.
They learn how to react. Some were more guarding you, or more aggressive, or will pick up and mine stuff, etc. You can pay to retrain them if you don't like their behavior.
Yea, I love the spells and the difference classes abilities. I play on hard because of the big bags of money the pop out of regular mobs make up for the difficulty.
And I love the pawn system. How the pawns can be hired by other players and they learn how to fight better or about a quest-all learned by adventuring with another player.
I about 120 hours paly time and still on Act 1 in Baldur's Gate 3. I have a problem. I want to pick up everything and sell it. That takes a lot of time. I also switch my party around all the time to try to work companions quests
I think most people pick a group and stick with that group. Also most people don't need to pick up a fork and sell it. I may have to change my play style it i want to finish the game anytime soon.
Oh and I am loving this game. It plays very well with my Ubuntu/Nvidia/Steam PC.