tk, do cycling avatar

When @glitter and I got to the bottom of a long hill while yesterday, I heard the tell-tale sign of a leak in my front tire, a well-used . She even said it was smoking, but I knew it was just sealant blowing out.

Thankfully, it was at the end of our ride and I didn't have to deal with steering on a floppy tire. I did snap this picture, though. :blobfoxsweating:

I tried seating it again today and it just wouldn't hold air because of the same spot. That's when I noticed the bulge in the sidewall near the bead, so I decided to toss the tire and put on a fresh (identical) one I had in reserve. The new tire seated without issue, aside from how I had to do it twice because I put it on the wrong way the first time. :blobfoxgooglymlem:

This isn't a knock on Panaracer tire quality, of course. The tire's been through a lot and there was only so much tread left anyway.

@cycling @mastobikes @biketooter


@tk I lack the stones to ride tubeless. I'm happy with my Marathon tires and standard pneumatic tubes.

@biketooter @cycling @mastobikes @glitter

StampedingLonghorn, avatar

@tk @biketooter @cycling @mastobikes @glitter Must have been a hell of a hill with all that brake dust.

tk, do cycling avatar

Good fit is really hard if the rider doesn't already have good technique. :blobfoxgoogly:

@cycling @mastobikes @biketooter


@tk how did you learn?

tk, avatar

@nik After years of struggling because I was afraid to raise my saddle after tearing a quad in 2013 (?), I started raising it some, then noticed that I was able to pedal in smooth and quick circles instead of by mashing down. That circular pedaling is what good technique is. :blobfox: I also had to move my saddle forward quite a bit because my legs would drag me forward with their circular pedaling otherwise.

As far as handlebar position goes, that resolved itself once my core was strong enough. :geblobcatshrug: If you don't try to hold onto the bars for dear life and just let your hands fall where they will, that'll tell you where to move the bars to.

@cycling @mastobikes @biketooter

tk, do cycling avatar

I always love this little bridge across Ravenna Park and usually try to make it part of the somewhat longer version of my usual loop. (1)

@cycling @mastobikes @biketooter

LCW4PPL, avatar

@tk @biketooter @cycling @mastobikes Yes. Take this bridge whenever possible!

tk, do cycling avatar

Chaos! The New Standard.

Isn’t it nice to know that you can take your bike into any bike shop and get it fixed? Even if you’re in Mexico, France, Italy, Montana, or even India? If they don’t have the part to fix your bike, they can easily order it and have it fixed in a day or two. Well, it wasn’t always that way. You see, in the 1970’s the International Standards Organization (ISO) spent years of painstaking work involving over 30 nations to develop standard sizes, thread pitches and specifications for common bicycle parts like bottom brackets, hubs, freewheels, head sets, etc…

Before the ISO endorsements were made, each country had its own standards. Even within a country, you could find different standards for different manufacturers. A bicycle made in France used different parts all around than a bicycle made in Italy or the United States. This made life difficult for both the bicycle dealer trying to help a customer, and also for the customer who had purchased a bicycle with standards not common in their area.

While rifling through my 1970’s Bicycling magazines, I found an article on this while the standards were still in development, and it brought to mind many situations that are occurring now in our industry today.

While we have always tried very hard to manufacture our bicycles using standard size parts and specifications to make things easy for our customers, many manufacturers are now veering far from the ISO standards in an effort to create what’s called ‘proprietary’ parts. These are parts designed specifically for that particular frame. It can be something as small as the part that holds the rear derailleur to a carbon frame, or something major like a specific bottom bracket that’s only available from that manufacturer.

I think people should be aware of proprietary parts as they can make life difficult for the customer, as well as the bike shops trying to help that customer. This is especially true for the cyclist touring foreign countries.

@cycling @biketooter @mastobikes

tk, avatar

Small Cheap Part….Big Expensive Problem!

Replaceable derailleur hangers and the problems they can pose

Replaceable derailleur hangers Several years ago, I wrote an article called ‘Chaos, the new standard‘. That article holds so much truth even today that I thought a follow up was in order. So, here it goes. A company that’s been around for 51 years, as we have, will tell you the importance of standards. This is a short article detailing one such detour that we took in the 1980’s.

What are standards, and why should you care? If you are a person who wants to buy a bicycle that you will ride for 20 years plus, then standards mean a lot to you. For instance, I ride a Rodriguez road bike the we built here in 1999, and I’m still riding it today. I consider myself a Forever Bike person. I will still be able to buy parts for this bike in 20 years too. Any part that needs replacing we will have in stock. That’s because it’s built around ISO standards (International Standards Organization). ISO standards were settled upon by the bicycle industry in the 1970’s in an attempt to make sure that people could get their bicycle fixed in just about any country, and well into the future. It’s worked miraculously….until recently.

@cycling @biketooter @mastobikes

tk, do cycling avatar

I still feel like most of the "innovations" in the industry over the past 20 years are largely money grabs. @cycling @mastobikes @biketooter

morpheo, avatar
tk, do cycling avatar

In all my years of , I've never found a great solution for cold weather. If I bundle up so I'm not chilled, then I soak everything with sweat in short order. If I wear less, then I freeze. I've tried Merino wool, synthetics (Gore, Event, etc.), and so on, but nothing works well enough for me.

Sadly, that means I don't do anything exciting on the during the coldest part of the year. Just my daily local loop. :blobfoxsad:

@cycling @mastobikes @biketooter


@tk @biketooter @cycling @mastobikes I find I have a crazy steep temp gradient with almost any aerobic exercise and chronically overdress, so this makes sense to me

awl, avatar

@tk @biketooter @cycling @mastobikes i warm the absolute hell out of my hands and feet before going out but for bicycling especially it’s been awhile. Want access to a mountain bike with nice wide tyres for actual snow.

tk, do cycling avatar

Is it reasonable to use an inner tube to smooth out tubeless rim tape in the case of leaks? @cycling @biketooter @mastobikes

(I'll retape it if it doesn't work out.)

tk, avatar

So it didn't quite pan out, but it did reveal "install a tube" as a great way to seat the bead of the tire during tubeless setup! @biketooter @cycling @mastobikes

tk, do cycling avatar
daihard, avatar

@tk @biketooter @cycling @mastobikes Wait, is Chain Reaction Cycling going into administration?

tk, do cycling avatar

Whether or not disc brakes are “better” than rim brakes, disc brakes definitely require less skill to use effectively in more conditions.

@cycling @mastobikes

stib, avatar

If you are talking about the average rider, they take their bike to the shop to get the pads replaced, but only at the point where they are making grinding noises or not working properly. Hydraulic discs self-adjust through the life of the pad, so they stay close to as-new performance right up until they're almost completely worn out, while rim or cable discs require constant adjustment to stay at optimum performance.
@nothingfuture @hughtaylorscifi @v_perjorative @cycling @mastobikes

awl, avatar

@tk very true!

Especially centerpulls. @cycling @mastobikes

tk, do cycling avatar

Currently on the lookout for quill stems with a horizontal extension in the 30-40mm range. Any ideas? @cycling @mastobikes

I have very long legs and a short torso, so "normal" bicycle frames never fit me very well. I always end up with a lot of seatpost height and a short stem, even though I'm leaned forward comfortably and with plenty of power in my pedal stroke.

antonlodder, avatar
tk, avatar

Ended up going with this little oddity from Crust Bikes, which was made by Nitto. My only worry is that its maximum extension is a little less than my current setup, but maybe the reduced reach will make up for that. @cycling @mastobikes

tk, do cycling avatar

In Memorium: The Surly Cross-Check, Discontinued After 24 Years

After over two decades, Surly moved the Cross-Check frameset from their standard lineup of bikes to the ‘Legacy Lineup’ of their website. Surly confirmed that the bike is no longer in production and is unlikely to come back.

If you haven’t owned this gravel/cyclocross/touring/whatever bike yourself, you likely know someone who has. The Surly Cross-Check was the egalitarian choice in cycling, simultaneously someone’s utilitarian dream bike that was attainable and sold at a fair price.

The end of the Cross-Check marks the bike’s reign as the most bike that ever biked, the go-to way to make a pile of parts you hoarded in the corner of your garage into a functioning bicycle, and the defacto option that a bike nerd could happily ride and recommend to their non-bikey friends all the same.

@cycling @mastobikes

chetman, avatar

@tk @cycling @mastobikes @mhoye Aw, dang. I rejoined the cycling world 12 or 13 years ago on a black Cross Check. I loved it unreservedly, and kept it in my garage for years after I rode it regularly— it got displaced by lighter, shinier bikes — mostly out of sentimental reasons.

I finally sold it last year to a math grad student who rides it nearly every day.

tk, do cycling avatar

Who here is into ? How'd you get into it? What do you like about it?

@cycling @mastobikes

bikejourno, avatar

@chrishuck @tk @cycling @mastobikes
As a Swiss elite cycling racer told me once: cx is one hour of freezing, suffering and going way over your limits. So a perfect winter work out.

SVB, avatar

@tk @cycling @mastobikes

Mostly did road racing before the pandemic paused the season so I tried solo TT racing then tried CX which felt like it had the best of all worlds going for it.

First ever CX race was on a custom built 90s Hardrock MTB with drop bars. Fell over 3 times, had fun, and am in my third season of it.

tk, do cycling avatar

Kind of annoyed with White Industries at the moment. The original press-fit bearings in my Stanyan’s MI5 rear hub needed replacement a long while ago, so I had my local bike shop order them (which took forever to be shipped by Enduro) and swap them out. Unfortunately, the same amount of play persisted after the bearing swap despite said shop following White Industries’s directions to the T multiple times. My shop has called White Industries multiple times only to not be given any recourse.

I’ve been out that Stanyan for several weeks now and I don’t know if I should just get a different hub put in the wheel or something at this point. :blobfoxannoyed:

@cycling @mastobikes

tk, avatar
smthers, avatar

@tk @cycling @mastobikes @tk always the drive side to. 😤

tk, do cycling avatar

Death By Car Vs Death By Driving — Global Cycling Network

Si Richardson shares his honest thoughts on the safety risks of cycling. Why are so many people afraid of cycling when driving might actually be more dangerous? He examines whether this fear is irrational by comparing collisions and deaths from driving versus cycling, along with the difference in overall mortality between those who commute by car and bike. 🚗

@cycling @mastobikes @biketooter

tk, do cycling avatar

Finally finished putting on @glitter 's basket and supporting Nitto front rack on. I also moved the e-bike's headlight from the stem to a mount on one of the rack's struts.

@cycling @mastobikes @biketooter

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