I just realised there are a lot of games in the Phoenix Weight/Ace Attorney universum I still didn't play 🫠
And also the whole Danganronpa series I've been recommended, but never touched before.
I'm remodeling my steam wishlist, I need to replay everything 🤣
@aceattveg@gaming@games Well that's the good question, because I played them so much time ago that I even don't already remember 😢
I remember playing the OG Trillogy of Phoenix Wright, an Apollo Justice game and Miles Edgeworth game...
That was the reason I thought I must just replay everything :thumbsupparrot:
And that's the same thing I heard about Danganronpa. I am just terrified of how much time it will be to actually replay everything 🤯
@nev@gaming@games As far as my thoughts, I feel like the original AA trilogy is the strongest, especially the first and third game. Apollo Justice is pretty good, and the next two had a different director and I didn't find them as interesting.
Great Ace Attorney, people love it, but the setting and length of them made them not my faves. Edgeworth I haven't played in years, gonna do both soon.
First Dangranronpa was my fave. Not super long except the odd bonus content.
@gaming@games@aceattveg exactly, the later games were still good but not AS exciting as the first ones...
on the other hand I am easily impressed by those games, so it didn't bother me that much