Videos idea: disabled transport in netherlands, how do people move around when they cannot cycle.
Since one of the major copium people have about car dependency is disabled people/elderly have a hard time riding bike. Yet, in reality, it is much more expensive/dangerous to put a disabled/elderly in a car than public transport or a electric wheel chair than in a car.
On the other hand, I am also curious whether a electric wheelchair will congest the bike lane, given the bike lane is kind of narrow.
NJB already featured the tiny four-wheeled car thingy that people use for exactly this. Idk which video exactly, but it’s there for anyone to comb through.
Being orange-pilled is painful in situations like this; you know the exact thing the Dutch already figured out but unless you have the exact video ID and timestamp on the ready you’d have a hard time pushing back the cope-ists. Even the ones that insists there’s no way these people are mobilizing outside of public transport.
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