The PS Portal seems really, really niche. I guess it’s good for families with only one TV set, or for folks who really like to game in bed, but who knows. We’ll see how it sells, I guess.
It’s not meant for traveling, is the thing. You can’t use if for cloud gaming. It has to be on the same wifi network as your PS5 to play games. It’s meant to be played in the same house/apartment as where your console is. That’s why this seems so very niche.
Expect without even having the functionality of Android. If it at least took an approach like the Nvidia shield so it could be a full on Android tablet or gaming or media machine it’d be cool. But, just a barebones streaming device is disappointing.
Sony: you know how everyone loves these cool new portable consoles? Let’s do that, but they can’t leave their house, they can only use it to play their ps5, ohb and we’ll make it about half the price of the console… yeah, they’ll fucking love it!
I loved the psvita, I used to play it basically anywhere because the battery lasts forever and it’s tiny. I can’t justify buying one of these new consoles simply because they’re so big! If Sony were to make a psvita 2 with a similar footprint and battery life I’d be first in line.
im the opposite. i hated how thin the vita was and how small the buttons were. thats why i love the steam deck, its a lot more comfortable for me to hold.
This is really weird. You can already remote play on a ton of devices including phones. You can get a phone controller for under $100 and it looks almost the same. Hell, PlayStation even has an official phone dock controller already.
The Portal is a nice idea but I think it’s destined to be a niche product with such limited functionality at $199. It’s really weird they’re not offering access to cloud gaming, feels like this should be a no-brainer, even if to boost the features offered by the product.
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