@the16bitgamer@lemmy.world avatar



I run 16 Bit Virtual Studios. You can find more reviews from me on YouTube youtube.com/@16bitvirtual or other social media @16bitvirtual, and we sell our 3D Printed stuff on 16bitstore.com

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@the16bitgamer@lemmy.world avatar

Orchestral my pick is Journey, with Uncharted as a close second

Actiony my pick is Scott Pilgrim vs The World The Game. Love the band.

Retro - Chrono Trigger/Spyro 1-3/Pokemon Ruby Sapphire Emerald.

Do you know any singleplayer games that are infinitely replayable? angielski

I recently booted up Half-Life 2 to replay it. I have played the absolute shit out of this game before, so 60% of it just feels like a drag to me now. It was such an amazing game but it’s sort of spoiled for me after I’ve played it too much....

@the16bitgamer@lemmy.world avatar

For me Rollercoaster Tycoon 1&2. But you could probably throw most Sim Games into here like SimCity 2k 3k or 4.

@the16bitgamer@lemmy.world avatar

Close but no cigar

@the16bitgamer@lemmy.world avatar

The FunkoPop Store EB Games here in Canada were re-labeled to GameStop recently. They’re still in every Mall in the land from what I’ve seen. Though they are doing better. Game selection isn’t what it use to be, but the variety is growing now. I was surprised when I found Manga in our local GameStop.

Not exactly my cup of tea, but catering to “Nerd” culture, and going beyond “Merch” is something I can get behind, since it’s rare to see another store not selling the same old drivel as everyone else.

@the16bitgamer@lemmy.world avatar

$500 for a Krabby Patty?

With cheese Mr. Squidward, with cheese.

What are some eras of gaming that you've stopped feeling nostalgic for? (kbin.social) angielski

As I've gotten older as a player, I have found myself dropping some eras of gaming that I used to be nostalgic for. One of them is the 8-bit era, the NES days. I have played some of the best that system had to offer and I will never say that system didn't have any good games....

@the16bitgamer@lemmy.world avatar

Atari era/Pre-Windows PC era.

The Atari era is mostly because the games are short and have very little replay value. It’s a fun novelty especially when you see an angry nerd swearing at them on YouTube. But you’d get the gyst of the game after 30 seconds. Or are so confused that you don’t know what to do without the manual… even then it’s not that helpful.

Now for the Pre-Windows PC era, mostly DOS and Commodore. It’s mostly because I don’t have the right mindset to play them, and forcing myself to just makes me not want to hate them. Outside of Police Quest, Wolfenstein 3D, and F29 Retaliator (<- I can’t believe this is on Steam) which I like because they are nostalgic to me, I wasn’t able to get into Civiliation 1, Ultima, SimCity or other giants from the time.

Dead Games News: Response from UK Government (www.youtube.com) angielski

From the videos description: News on what the UK government response means on the issue of game destruction by publishers! It’s not all awful, just most of it! Also, some news on how the campaign to end game destruction is going internationally. Relevant links below:...

@the16bitgamer@lemmy.world avatar

Saw this elsewhere, happy to see it’s already posted. Good luck UK, 6,257 and rising!

@the16bitgamer@lemmy.world avatar

Game Boy Zelda is best Zelda.

I love Links Awakening due to nostalgia, but Oracle of Ages is still the longest game I’ve played (since I’ve yet to beat it). Seasons is fine but not my cup of tea, and minish cap is a bit too shaort

@the16bitgamer@lemmy.world avatar

If you’re still considering it, you can get it for like $10-$15 on GOG. Same price of steam but DRM Free, and it’s almost always onsale.

@the16bitgamer@lemmy.world avatar

For those wondering if this is under exaggerated, it’s not. Now my experience is on the Switch.

This issues I saw in my time before I got refunded was as follow. Texture Flickering and Shadow Flickering (hard to see as a screen shot so this is the worse I saw)


Textures that are still in 4:3 and not 16:9


Random Texture floating when they shouldn’t be


The lighting failing on the Bridges on the Naboo Map


And the FMV’s being so compressed you can see the compression artifacting (and this is a game that ~34GB)


@the16bitgamer@lemmy.world avatar

This is a frame, it cleans up in the next. However it is sooooo distracting.

@the16bitgamer@lemmy.world avatar

Ditto, I sadly didn’t go online so no comment there. Well I mean I tried once and I couldn’t connect so I just jumped into instant action. But yeah the storage requirements are a bit unrealistic on Switch. I don’t think you can even play it on OG switch without a Micro SD Card.

@the16bitgamer@lemmy.world avatar

My guess 4K textures or the 720p switch 🤣

@the16bitgamer@lemmy.world avatar

The controls are “fine” for the most part. If you were on an Xbox controller it would work. Space Battles in Battlefront II are an improvement, but the same treatment was never made to Battlefront 1. If I had to complain about anything, it’s that the auto aim needs to be more sensitive and when you blast an enemy it auto locks on them like the console games. Mouse and keyboard this would be annoying but on controller it’s necessary.

@the16bitgamer@lemmy.world avatar

I tried to buy physical PC games as recently as 2014, and what i got was a steam code and and 8 DVD’s, and the game still needed a patch to work. So Physical on PC games to me is DRM free. I can put it on my own thumbdrive/USB to make it physical if I wanted it to be.

As for my preference. It depends on the game and deal. If I know I want the game, and I’ll buy it no matter what, then I’ll aim for the DRM Free copy.

Otherwise it depends on the sale. I mean for $3 I don’t mind loosing access to SimCity 3000, $3 is a good price even for limited access. Let alone free.

What I refuse to buy is a offline game like GTA 5 that requires a proprietary launcher and account to even play. Here I will just abandon PC gaming entirely and go to consoles. Rock Star, Ubisoft, EA games in particular I primarily buy on consoles.

@the16bitgamer@lemmy.world avatar

I replayed it after many years. It was fantastic, now I need to wait another many years to forget the solution.

@the16bitgamer@lemmy.world avatar

Ah corporate Lawyer BS, pointing out what they want to be true and not pointing out the other. ROMs are legal under existing Copywrite laws under archival laws in the USA (117) and backup laws in Canada (29.24). The Americans have a bit more of a restricted way of using their archives, but that’s not needs to be argued here, as it appears that Nintendo is blaming Yuzu for actions of the general consumer. It’ll be like blaming your Network provider for allowing a user to download a movie, both legally and illegally, thus they should be punished for both actions.

I also love that Nintendo isn’t not stating it’s illegal here, just that it’s infringing because it’s not authorized.

What games do you recommend for my girlfriend? angielski

My girlfriend has never really gamed. But she’s now forced to move less than she would like to (health problem) and she’s getting bored. I was thinking of introducing her to a game or two that we could play together. She’s not the real action game type, and seeing as she has no experience with controller/mouse and keyboard...

@the16bitgamer@lemmy.world avatar

Hummm easy games. I think it depends of their tastes and what they like to do.

I can think of a few games which might be fun, but perhaps she should watch some lets plays to see if it peaks her interest.

Lil Guardsman is a fun game my SO showed me recently.

Stardew Vally

Potion/crafting games are something else, Potionomics might be fun.

Oh point and clicks might be fun too, but I can think of anything outside of Grim Fandango or Monkey Island

Animal Crossing is always relaxing

My SO and I played Persona 5 together too, I played the game while she was my navigatior who made conversation choices.

@the16bitgamer@lemmy.world avatar

I wonder what the PC version will be like?

If it’s not the existing 2 PC games which have already been updated to remove GameSpy and add in modern online servers, then cool. If not I hope they make Battlefront 2’s menus controller friendly.

@the16bitgamer@lemmy.world avatar

The first game I played was somewhere between those Disney Storybook Games on PC, and the Tonka games. And sitting on my Dad’s lap playing Police Quest and Wolfenstein 3D Shareware. Eventually we got a PS1 with non-point and click games with Spyro the Dragon and I think Crash Bash and CRT. Can’t remember which one we played first.

What are some hidden indie gems nobody knows about? angielski

Which indies did you discover and would love more people to know about? I’ll start: The Pale Beyond. Not sure if it’s a hidden gem tbh, but it’s such a good story rich game. I laughed, I cried and felt the characters struggles. If you like story rich games/ choices matter, check it out.

@the16bitgamer@lemmy.world avatar

I need to be in the right mood for it. But man is it a blast to play through

@the16bitgamer@lemmy.world avatar

Final Fantasy 7. I’ve tried to play it multiple times, but the game’s story never pulled me in. And with how long of a trek it is between story moments and the slog of combat encounters I usually put the game down.

I got to play Terra Nil, and here is my two cents on it (lemmy.world) angielski

This year I was recommended Terra Nil, a “reverse city builder” as the developer Free Lives call it in the store page. From screenshots and what gameplay I did see of it, my mind raced to games like SimCity 3000 and the potential of destroying a run down, or decaying city and returning it to nature....

@the16bitgamer@lemmy.world avatar

This. I didn’t even know there was an Android port

@the16bitgamer@lemmy.world avatar

I’m getting back into written reviews. Been doing videos for a while now, but I am backing off due to lack of views/interest. Still wanna get my opinions out.

@the16bitgamer@lemmy.world avatar

Better question, what was I playing? Since I completed Metroid Fusion in exactly 2 hours according to the in game timer. And since I set up a DS emulator on my Laptop I’ve been playing New Super Mario Bros for the first time in years, as well as replaying Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Blue Rescue Team.

@the16bitgamer@lemmy.world avatar

What might be a good idea is to try Game Pass for a few months and see what they settle on. Then for Birthdays or Christmas, get them the games they played the most. Not sure how parental controls are like on it, but I hope they exists.

That being said, outside of Nintendo, there aren’t many Online games which don’t demand their users to pay for cosmetics with fake in game currency. See CTR Nitro Fuelled, Fortnight, Call of Duty, Overwatch and Minecraft skins.

With that said if changing your system isn’t an option, Minecraft Bedrock Edition the only game I am familiar with. There is a skin store, but you can’t earn in game currency from just playing (from my knowledge). So if they don’t have access to the credit card, they won’t be tempted, plus the base game has enough options that you can customize your character well enough.

If you can get a switch (and friends have one already), Splatoon 2/3, Mario Kart 8, and Animal Crossing are all friendly non-microtransaction laden games.

@the16bitgamer@lemmy.world avatar

peer pressure. I fell for it in my TF2 days in high school. A buck there a few bucks there, all for a hat with particle effects that I never got. All because one of my friends I was playing with had one, and I wanted one too.

I learned a valuable lesson, but I was also 15/16 and had the ability of self reflection (and wanting to get Skyrim for $5 instead of a key). Can’t expect this level of self control from most teenagers, let alone a 10 year old.

@the16bitgamer@lemmy.world avatar

Technically you can voice chat with friends over discord the Nintendo Switch online app.

But yeah I use anything that isn’t their service for voice chat.

@the16bitgamer@lemmy.world avatar

Sadly the game being de-listed was inevitable. The same goes with this eventually.

The proper way of doing this would’ve been to have the code for the game, but use the ROM to get you the art assets. I am certain there are tools available to do this either before the game runs, i.e. have the user extract the data. Or have it at run time, like loading the ROM in an emulator.

It wouldn’t have been easy to do, but it would prevent Nintendo from going after them, since they are not using Nintendo’s assets.

@the16bitgamer@lemmy.world avatar

I don’t see an issue with what the dev did here. It’s not easy to make a unique IP, and making a HD port like this is fine. You just need to be smart about it, like the various reverse engineering projects around.

So long as you aren’t distributing someone else’s copy protected assets, music, art, logos, you are fine.

Recommend a game for me to play with my partner angielski

My partner and I occasionally play games together, but they pretty much only play word puzzle games on their own. I’m not very good at word games though, and they don’t have very good spatial skills, so we frequently find ourselves mismatched. We have a switch and a single decent gaming pc, and a pretty old laptop....

@the16bitgamer@lemmy.world avatar

A weird one if your SO is a fan of anime. Persona 5.

My SO loved playing with me since they had all the guides and stuff ready to min max the game while I did the heavy lifting. It’s a different type of 2 player game, like a Driver and Navigator while driving.

@the16bitgamer@lemmy.world avatar

The SEGA at the end caught me off guard.

@the16bitgamer@lemmy.world avatar

The ending of Pokemon Mystery Dungeon. Such a wonderful soundtrack an story.

@the16bitgamer@lemmy.world avatar

A mix between Lego Indiana Jones on PSP and Assassins Creed Syndicate. Hurray free givaways

@the16bitgamer@lemmy.world avatar

I’ve wrestled with Mobile games for years. As a player, I love the idea of playing games on my phone. But most phones games outside of flash like games (Angry Birds) weren’t fun.

So I tried to make them myself.

After 5 years of trial and error my conclusion was thus. Phones are a bad platform for games. Not because they aren’t capable, they are extremely capable. But because they have no proper inputs.

Games are built for the common input method. PC games have a keyboard and mouse mode. Console games are built with a controller. And mobile games need to use touch.

The problem with touch, is that it’s a bad input method for all games. Very good for simple visual games, but for the rest, you are touching a textureless, featureless, tiny surface, with no tactile feedback. This means that anything more complicated than angry birds or bejeweled will be difficult to play if it doesn’t play itself.

It’s possible to make games for phones. But due to the design constraints, the game needs to be simple, or not time dependent. Strategy games, puzzle games, board games will work, but action games, or shooters are doomed to be worse than their competitors on non-mobile platforms.

@the16bitgamer@lemmy.world avatar

Thank you Humble bundle for inflating the value for my account

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