I feel like my “all-time favorite” changes depending on my mood, but if I had to pick just one, I’d probably go with The Witcher 3. That game just hit all the right notes—amazing story, incredible world-building, and so much stuff to do without feeling like pointless filler. Plus, the expansions were just as good, if not...
Too late…friends. Nefarius’ corruption has taken hold. I cannot…control myself. I beg you Mortals, flee! Flee before I lose all sense of control. The Black Fire rages within my heart. I must release it! FLAME! DEATH! DESTRUCTION! COWER MORTALS BEFORE THE WRATH OF LORD…NO! I MUST FIGHT THIS! ALEXSTRASZA, HELP ME! I MUST FIGHT!"
I don’t even know how often I heard this stupid speech, I know it by heart almost two decades later. I think it took us 2 months of trying, 3-4 times a week for at least 6 hours a day. Good times.
Probably still World of Warcraft. When I quite around 2010, I had close to 700 days /played time on my main, and another 400 days between various alts.
2 of those years were after I finished school and was just living rent free at home and gaming full time. During that time it was easly more then 12h a day. Though, a lot of that was just being logged in and idle while chatting on teamspeak or doing administrative work for the guild (we ran our own webserver out of a friends house for our forum/dkp system, etc). That’s how I learned programming.
There was also some account sharing, which was literally required to get to the top of the vanialla PvP ranking. Games were built different back then.
that’s only because we had an organized server that had a list of who was next in line to get HWL
Honestly, I loved that kind of meta gaming, all the backdoor deals, even across factions. The drama when some group wouldn’t honour the list or agreements (Been on both sides of it).
I made rank 13, luckily I already had a better weapon from raiding, so I could skip the last one. Good times.
Your all-time favorite game? Let's discuss the best options! angielski
I feel like my “all-time favorite” changes depending on my mood, but if I had to pick just one, I’d probably go with The Witcher 3. That game just hit all the right notes—amazing story, incredible world-building, and so much stuff to do without feeling like pointless filler. Plus, the expansions were just as good, if not...
I'm just mad at my poor performance (lemmy.ml) angielski
What games have you put the most hours into? angielski