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Is Elder Scrolls 6 doomed to fail? I can't see how it will work angielski

After the massive blunder of Starfield, I cannot see how Elder scrolls 6 could possibly be successful. Everything points to the fact that they knew that the game was not even half finished, in my opinion, with major glaring issues, and they decided to just send it off anyway. The difference between this game and Oblivion is that...


I’d say the bigger problem is just that the Bethesda RPG model is completely outdated. It feels like something you’d play a decade ago, but what used to be it’s contemporaries have absolutely eclipsed it by this point. If I wanted to play just a fun easy fantasy romp, I’d go for Dragon’s Dogma 2. If I wanted an actual RPG with bones that could offer me a challenge, I’d play Elden Ring. If I’m just looking for a well-written story, I’d go play something by CD Project Red.

Bethesda’s games aren’t well written, aren’t that interesting to play, and basically cannot offer any real challenge. The only real saving grace for Skyrim has been the modding community, which has been able to continually breathe life into what would otherwise be very tired game design.


I think the record still goes to Amazon’s Crucible, which was cancelled before release after a closed-beta that nobody played.


How do you remaster something that was intentionally broken/buggy?


Maybe the real Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines 2 was the friends we bit along the way.


because it’s flat out wrong. WoW aped most of its systems from Everquest, which most of WoW’s development team was actively playing. They made some improvements on the genre, but the bones existed as early as 1997 with Ultima Online.


Not even just survival horror, RE4 was a landmark title just as a third-person action shooter. It had a huge influence on the generation of third person shooters that came after it.


Dark Souls is literally just Legend of Zelda for adults, which had a stamina system at about the same time Kings Field did. It’s honestly hilarious to me that it became known as the father of the genre, but the immediate copycats were also aiming for a similar tone to FromSoftware so I guess it’s fair.


I think the fault lies with Ubisoft and Assassin’s Creed. They really championed the idea of a bloated open world stuffed with systems that don’t really interact with each other, and now AAA gaming just keeps trying to stuff more mechanics in the pile.


Kinda wild to see nobody mention System Shock, the game that invented audio logs. It may seem quaint in retrospect, but at the time all shooters were in the vein of Doom, and story in a shooter was considered “like story in porn.” System Shock was not only the first to communicate the plot and next steps to the player through found audio logs, but it also filled the player in on side stories and provided characterization to the survivors on Citadel station.

The game recently got a remaster, and despite very few gameplay changes, still holds up really well in 2024. You can really see the bones of later games in it, such as story focused shooters like Bioshock or F.E.A.R. and I’d really recommend it to anyone interested in playing a great retro game.


I think it had like a year long beta where people were playing before full release. I know I was personally playing in 2013.


gonna be real, WC1 was not a huge title at the time. I think a lot of people look back, rightly, at WC3 being one of the greatest RTS of all time and then think the whole series was lauded at release, but Warcraft: Orcs and Humans was just okay.


I promise you, Everquest was plenty popular at the time, and it didn’t invent those things either.


Hoping so, so, so hard that this can ascend from being eurojank and have a smooth release with very little bugs and crashes. It seems like this team has a lot more resources now.

Shadows of Doubt - Release Date Announce Trailer (September 26th v1.0 and consoles) ( angielski

This one’s been in early access for a while, but it’s finally hitting 1.0. If you’re unfamiliar, it’s a procedurally generated murder mystery immersive sim. A murder happens, you scan for evidence, track people by their address in the phone book, and make connections with red string yourself. When I played the demo a...


I was just thinking about how much I’d like to play the full release of this last week! good to hear I won’t have much longer to wait.

Where do you find new games nowadays? (Both singleplayer + multiplayer) angielski

Hi all, I know this question has probably been posted on the internet millions of times, yet I would like to receive some Lemmy-oriented answers. :) What are your favorite places, websites, or creators for discovering new games in your favorite genres?


Honest truth? I have enough games to play, so I only really look into the few that are able to break through the noise. If a streamer/content creator I like isn’t interested in a game, it’s probably just not worth my time vs something I’m already playing.


Very disappointing if the only reason is competition. I don’t really think that any Obsidian RPG is going to sell gangbusters, and there’s not really any competition within the space, so if this is just Microsoft wanting to pad out their release schedule to keep people hooked on Game Pass, that’s scummy as fuck.

Hopefully the extra time in the tank prevents the typically Obsidian jank from creeping in at least.


I mean, even despite that release date, Titanfall 2 sold 4 million copies that holiday season and is certainly remembered today more than Battlefield 1 or CoD: Infinite Warfare. The franchise has managed to continue through Apex Legends. Maybe delaying it would have caused it to sell a little bit better initially, but I think positive word of mouth gave it much longer legs.

Also…is anything actually releasing later this year that’s worth pushing back for? Especially in the realm of RPGs? If anything pushing it back is going to cause it to conflict with Dragon Age Veilguard, which is also looking to be released very late 2024-early 2025, and is realistically the closest competition Avowed could run into. There’s basically no other RPGs releasing this fall, so who’s to say that it wouldn’t get a ton of attention by being one of the only options in town?


It’s only 20% off, but Alpha Protocol has returned to Steam just in time for the sale!


Woot woot! Hopefully going to pick up Balatro on sale this weekend.


I dunno, I’m someone who was fine with the changes to combat introduced in Doom Eternal, but was honestly really turned off by how much id was kinda huffing their own farts with the story. The first game had Doomguy punch any attempts at exposition. The second turned Hayden into an Angel, the AI friend into God, the demons are extraplanar aliens that are being used for energy by the angels, and now the Doom Slayer is some destined force of cosmic balance. The little bits were of larger lore were kinda funny in the first game, it became flanderized in the second, and now for a prequel I’m worried id’s managed to fit their entire head up their own ass trying to convince everyone how cool their space marine is.


It blows my mind that we’re still getting uninspired shitty adaptations after Fallout, The Last of Us, honestly even stuff like Sonic and Mario showed suits that people will praise any adaptation as long as it shows them what they know.


The first Tales was well received, but it was made by Telltale and much closer to the Borderlands 2 era. Gearbox made another one recently that was terrible and panned.

I think you’re right in saying the franchise is just dead. As someone who played actually thousands of hours of BL2 in my youth, I have zero interest in the rumored Borderlands 4. I think I own all the DLC for 3 and just never bothered to play through all of it.


This is the game series that seriously gave a quest where you tried to rename one of the enemies to Bonerfarts, and this movie is failing to even hit that level of unfunny.

I guess it’s PG, so maybe it’ll hit Gearbox’s new target audience; 10 year old boys.


I guess it’s nice to have confirmation, but I’m not an ounce surprised that the story of Suicide Squad is “big publisher pushed developer to make live-service trash.” I’d be hopeful that the Rocksteady single-player title could come back, but Zaslav has committed to making more live-service flops. Absolutely wild that they couldn’t learn their lesson from Hogwarts Legacy, you don’t even have to make a single-player openworldathon that good and people will still praise it if you have a popular enough IP.


The Sims 2 Castaway is basically the proto survival crafting game. It’s kinda cool to see the classic Sim stats get used in such a different way. I sometimes wish EA would return to those days of selling spinoff Sim games like Castaway and the Urbz, rather than just dumping every single new idea they get into one game as DLC.


This kinda shit is exactly why I love Icefrog. They’re never content with the game being balanced, once they get almost every hero to around 50% winrate they love to add a new piece to the Jenga tower of mechanics.

This patch is such an elegant solution to a bunch of very minor hero issues, while also providing a ton of shiny new toys.


Technically they weren’t even allowed to publish it back then, there were consequences from EA.


There certainly was a “golden age of gaming,” where the cost for a studio to exist and make a game was pretty low and they were more willing to experiment. The thing people forget is that there was so, so, so much trash and shovelware made during that era as well. We remember the incredible game that innovated and drove the medium forward, and we forget the movie tie-ins and genre knockoffs.

These days, AAA has forgotten how to innovate, and nearly all of it is being driven by indie titles. This is because, once again, the cost to develop is now so low that literally anyone can do it. The amount of trash and shovelware we’re getting is almost ludicrous though, so it’s a lot harder to find the great titles that are overlooked, but extremely high quality has a remarkable way of cutting through the noise.


They haven’t. Ghosts of Tsushima’s PC release is going to require account-linking from day 1 for the online component. The only thing Sony has learned is that the shittiness has to be ready and working from the start.


I never ended up refunding my copy, but I’m certainly not gonna give a single cent to the live service side of the game. I already hadn’t paid for anything, but was considering it before this shitshow. Now, I think I’ll just buy copies of Magicka and throw them at friends to try and support Arrowhead.




I asked but was denied my first one, and did not submit a second one before Sony walked back the changes.

I don’t actually have plans to return to the game, because Sony is consistently fucking with the dev team and the game has now accrued so much technical debt that the constant bugs and issues would impact me every time I log in.

I will also no longer be supporting Sony titles on PC. Even if they release my holy grail Bloodborne, I’ll pirate it and play it offline.

Fuck Sony forever, and stop trying to gatekeep hating a company over their shitty practices.


I mean, Windhelm is basically the equivalent of the Texas Secessionist Movement, so they’re just trying to make it accurate to the lore.


It got one? The HD collection came out in 2012 and is honestly still pretty good, plus you get DMC3 with it.

I’m generally against remaking games that are currently perfectly playable. I’d vastly prefer getting DMC6 before they re-release the original for a second time.


I think that’s looking at the deal in hindsight. Palworld had just as good a chance at flopping completely as hitting #1 worldwide, I imagine they were grateful for the opportunity to have some guaranteed income at the time.


There seems to have been a major righting of the ship with Dragonflight. The live retail game is in a very strong place right now, and players are now actually anticipating an upcoming expansion rather than dreading it. Season of Discovery was also an especially inspired idea, injecting a lot of new life into vanilla. Assuming there isn’t too large a shake-up with the team after the Microsoft acquisition, this might be a new golden era for World of Warcraft.


Only thing actually rare are the fast travel items. Everything else on the list you can get within the first four hours of playing the game. The real dumb shit is the new game decision, the character creator demo gave you five save slots so why does the game only have one?!


I mean, the RE4make let you buy weapon upgrades with cash, DMC 5 let you just buy all the currencies in game directly, I don’t even know where to begin with Monster Hunter World’s microtransactions. It’s shitty, but Capcom does this in literally all of their games now, so absolutely you’ll see dumb mtx in RE9 and Monster Hunter Rise.


Travel is fun, Capcom are just a dumb company. You’ll get plenty of access to fast travel tokens throughout the game, but the act is still limited to only a handful of fast travel points. Cart travel has been my preferred method of going long distances, which does come with the risk of a griffon ambush, but griffon ambushes mean you get more combat.


That’s almost too harsh. The one positive thing you can say on the matter is that Capcom isn’t running around shuttering development of games to lay-off developers in order to manufacture like 3 points of profit. The Western AAA games industry is fucking disgusting in their greed, the Eastern AAA industry is just kinda confusing.

Except Konami, they can stay fucked forever.


Didn’t Epic just win an anticompetitive lawsuit against Google, off the back of losing a similar anticompetitive lawsuit against Apple?

Methinks they’ll be coming back for round 2, and this will be the provocation that will give Epic a win. Regardless of your thoughts and feelings on Epic, I think we can agree that Apple is a shitty company and they could do with an L.


People in the future will realize that Skyrim was made in a perfect sweet spot at Bethesda. It was made recently enough that the controls make sense and it feels good to play, but Skyrim was still so, so ahead of it’s time when it came to an open world RPG. Back then, Bethesda’s writers really had a knack for making incredibly interesting settings, and just seeing an entire digital world so wonderfully realized was considered ground-breaking.

A decade later, and the same model has become stale. The gameplay is still there, but the soul is not. Idk if most of those old writers have just left Bethesda or retired after so many years in the industry, but the magic has left the studio. I’m not even really looking forward to ES6 as much as I am the upcoming Avowed from Obsidian, because their games still have plenty of soul.


Look I love Dark Souls; it is an incredibly flawed game, and Demon’s Souls is even moreso. Dark Souls was so far ahead of it’s time that it still needed time to bake in the oven. Then with how claustrophobic DS2 and DS3’s worlds were by comparison, I don’t think FromSoft really surpassed Skyrim until Elden Ring.

Both games are some of the greatest of all time though, so a lot of it will just come to preference. I think a lotta Dark Souls players have been spoiled by the remaster though, the original release struggled hard under the weight of Miyazaki’s ambition.


It’s going to mean smaller selections of games, more gambling/gacha bullshit, and “you’ll own nothing and you’ll be happy” will dominate the industry. When licensing runs out for music, they’ll just pull a game instead of trying to “fix” it, if it’s not profitable enough. We’re entering an era where there will be a dead-zone of lost media and history because so much of it is increasingly locked up behind corporate barriers.

I have some bad news about the past few years for you…


Rollercoaster Tycoon was 1999, so I’ll choose to believe that the “then” era was after the big gaming crash of the 80s. There was still shovelware, but it wasn’t nearly as bad as during the 80s when you’d see mountains and mountains of terrible, non-functioning games. I don’t think anyone really has nostalgia for that period of gaming, but the late 90s to early 2000s really were as close to a golden age as we ever got.


They tried for like a decade before finally giving up. Microsoft has learned a lot of lessons while trying to work on their gaming arm, and some of them have actually stuck. I would expect titles to be sold on Steam until Phil Spencer retires.


It’s kinda insane how much people dismiss “System Shock.” It’s a serious bedrock of a title, so much of what we take as a given of games was really pioneered by LookingGlass. I think a big chunk of that was due to the gameplay not really holding up to modern times, but hopefully now that Nightdive’s remaster is out, more people can experience it and realize just how much of the game holds up.

Probably a close second is the original “Half-Life”, in terms of really cementing the story-based first person shooter, but I don’t think anyone is going to call Half-Life snubbed.


oh shit this game looks awesome, thanks for the suggestion.


I totally apologize, you’ve unlocked a memory. It’s so good in KOTOR that my brain doesn’t remember it’s a cRPG. I’m really hoping that if it gets a remake, it keeps all the guts of the original combat system, and doesn’t get simplified to a toggle between real time and pause.

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