I’m in the same boat, with an 3700X. Upgrading my Vega 56 will be the first thing and I’m sure that the CPU will still be just fine for that. 1-2 years after the GPU, I’ll probably invest in a new platform.
Maybe you’re just not the type of person for that type of game. I’ve spent lots of hours playing it with m girlfriend. Sometimes it’s fun, often it’s frustrating and I just can’t be motivated to try and improve my efficiency to get that third or fourth star in many of the levels. It’s fine that way.
If you have a soldering iron and know how to use it, the repair costs less than 5 dollars with parts from China. It’s not hard, I wrecked one board by getting it too hot while desoldering the old sensor. You live and learn.
I still don’t get the fuss about OLED. As someone who prefers relatively low brightness and contrast settings on most displays that are not used in the summer sun, I’ve never felt like decent non-OLED panels were lacking for me.
I’d like to disagree. Even if you disregard all the bugs I had and content/features that was promised and never included, CP 2077 was maybe a good game in 2020. I didn’t think it was great by any means.